THE LIFE OF REPTON WALKTHROUGH version 1.1 by Michael S. Repton ( - - - Introduction This is, naturally, a sequel to my walkthrough for Repton 3, just as The Life of Repton is a sequel to that game. The game mechanics are nearly identical to the original, with only a tiny difference in the way the spirits are set to start moving in a particular direction. This difference does not affect the actual gameplay, but does make some Life of Repton screens (particularly School C) unplayable if played on the original Repton 3 game. The Life of Repton consists of five screen files, each with graphics altered from the original to represent a particular phase of Repton's life. Characters still act the same as in the original game but look different: for example, diamonds are replaced by teddy-bears in the Baby screens, sweets in the School screens, and so on. Unlike the original Repton 3, the sets are not arranged in order of difficulty; School is medium difficulty, Teenage hard, and the other three very hard. However, within each set the levels are in rough order from easy to hard, and all five sets do start with two or three easy levels to help the player get used to the new characters. As in my Repton 3 walkthrough, I have given each level a difficulty rating "from 0 to 10"; in actual fact, to make the ratings consistent with those in the Repton 3 walkthrough, ratings above 10 have had to be used for the select few levels that are harder than any in the original game. (These are, in my opinion, Baby G, Work F, Work H and OAP G.) As before, all marks are just my own opinions! I assume that the reader is familiar with my Repton 3 walkthrough and does not need the game mechanics and scoring explained again. Readers for whom this is not the case can find the earlier walkthrough at GameFAQs ( or Stairway to Hell ( - - - Repton's life One of the more interesting things about this game is the insight it gives us into the fascinating history of its central character. We discover that as a baby he was terrorised by the family dog, which no doubt goes a long way to explain the fear of fast-moving animals that lasted throughout his life. He was a precocious and active child, showing great agility in his favourite game of chasing his clockwork toy soldiers around his play area. Sadly, the one thing that seems to be missing from his childhood is active participation on the part of his parents; this is the first hint we have of the unhappiness in his home that later drove him to travel all round the world in search of somewhere he could settle down and feel wanted. Repton's schooldays were a constant struggle. As one might expect of someone who even as a baby had showed prodigious talent for solving logical problems, he excelled at mathematics, and the teachers felt threatened by his intelligence, and Repton came to know well the feel of the cane. But on the positive side, he found that he had a natural talent for sport, which gave him an outlet for his great physical energy, and his happiest memories are of running in pursuit of a flying cricket ball, or kicking a football around with his friends. As one might expect of someone from his unstable background, Repton was a typical rebellious teenager. He was one of the Rockers, and thought nothing of picking a fight with his arch-enemies the Mods with not just fists but also bricks flying. His girlfriend Becky (he may have had other relationships but she is the only one whose name has been passed down to posterity) might have exerted a calming influence, but it is likely that she knew little of what was going on. Perhaps part of the reason they eventually broke up (they seem to have lasted a while) is that she found out he had been supplementing his pocket money with smash-and-grab raids on the local record shops: a side of his character, sadly, that he would never wholly escape. Repton did, however, settle down to honest work for a time. He brought home a good supply of banknotes, and perhaps it was the loss of this income when he was sacked for injuring his boss with a heavy filing cabinet that made him turn once more to illegal activity. Office work does not seem to have suited him in any case; the place was always in chaos when he was on duty, with the amount of paperwork in his in-tray continually spiralling out of control. He was forever losing valuable floppy disks and having to chase all round the office to find them again, and when he did find them, it seemed the filing cabinets were never in the same places they should have been. After his hasty exit from the office, we lose track of Repton for a time. It is no doubt in this period that he engaged on his tour of the world, closely followed by his time-travelling exploits; he must have spent a considerable number of years in other parts of the timeline to return as a senior citizen in 1987 when he was a teenager in the Mods and Rockers battle of 1964. My theory is that he also picked up his four wives, who suddenly appear in his retirement with no previous mention of them, in this period; he probably married one in each place he visited in Around the World, except for Oceans, and they didn't know about each other until they tracked him down to claim a share of the wealth he made from his life of diamond mining. At any rate it is certain that he never married his old girlfriend Becky; what happened to her after she left him is unknown. By this stage of his life, Repton's eyesight was failing, although he remained surprisingly agile with the aid of a solid walking-stick. He took up drinking and smoking, two habits he had always abhorred, and it is likely that this speeded his descent into insanity. He was already a borderline case when, unable to bear any longer the strain of coping with four wives, he fled his home with all four chasing him and was forced to fend them off with a grandfather clock. After this, he broke down completely, and was last seen running madly around a graveyard shouting out that he was being pursued by four malevolent pairs of false teeth. It was a sad end to a life that had showed so much promise; and it is no doubt in that graveyard that one of the most magnificent puzzle-solving brains of all time now lies buried. Rumour has it that Repton is still up to his old pursuits somewhere in a mysterious afterlife inhabited by ghouls and scrap photocopiers. If so, he seems to have found happiness in the end. - - - The levels - BABY - - Character correspondences - DIAMOND: teddy-bear THE CROWN: toy train THE TIMEBOMB: baby Repton's cot KEY: key to toybox TIME CAPSULE: bottle of milk EARTH: carpet WALLS: wallpaper, pot plants, sofas, lamps, television screens (note that yellow pot plants are curved left, red ones curved right!) SKULL: fireplace BOULDER: humpty-dumpty EGG: Fido's kennel MONSTER: angry Fido SAFE: closed toybox CAGE: open toybox SPIRIT: toy soldier FUNGUS: cactus plant Level 1-A Password: BABY Difficulty: 1/10 Overview: An easy starter, but be careful of those pot plants! Walkthrough: Proceed left. Drop the egg and then drop the boulder onto it. Go down on the far left, pushing the boulder right to avoid it falling on you. Go all the way down and right, release the spirit into its cage and take the transporter. Take the key and proceed right, always letting a boulder fall left when you can rather than pushing it; you should easily reach the crown. Now take all the diamonds in the upper room. Release the egg on the right to its right and roll the boulder off the wall onto it. Going left, free some space to the right of the next boulder so that you can push it right after taking the diamond it guards. The rest of this room should present no problems. Now collect everything in the top room. The only thing to be careful of is trapping the timebomb, but even if this does happen you can go round and enter it from below. Level 1-B Password: KEYHOLE Difficulty: 3/10 Overview: An awkward rocks-and-diamonds puzzle might give you pause for thought, but the rest of the level is straightforward. Walkthrough: Go straight down as far as the room with the egg perched on a safe. Let the first boulder fall left to enter this room; push the second boulder two squares left and go down to the boulder on a skull. Push this right and go down to the key. After taking the key, immediately run round to get behind the boulder and kill the monster. Return to the top, push the boulder nearest the top-left corner right and take the diamond under it to free the two spirits. (Their cages are already open.) Go up to the top and along the row of diamonds to reach the room with the tricky puzzle. Push the first boulder right and take the diamond to let it fall left; do the same with the next two boulders. Push the fourth boulder in the top row right and let it fall straight down; get the crown. There is now only one "loose" boulder that can be pushed; push it right and take the two diamonds below it. One boulder will fall, freeing another column of two diamonds. Take the upper one, step left then right, then go down and along the bottom row. The rest is easy. The room at the bottom-left of the level can be done starting from either the left or right, but I shall give a solution starting from the right. Take the diamond in the bottom-right corner and move up, so the boulder falls and lets you get the other diamonds. Go around until you reach the two boulders on top of a skull; take the diamond so these fall to the right, and push the second one out of the way. Then get the top diamond between the boulders and push to the right. Now you can collect everything on the level. Finish with the room with the second egg. Push this egg left, run up and drop the boulder on it. Then take the chain of diamonds leading to the timebomb. Level 1-C Password: FAILURE Difficulty: 5/10 Overview: A maze in which several passages will become blocked once taken, so getting the order right is imperative. One room contains another difficult rocks-and-diamonds puzzle. Walkthrough: Head left, and push the boulder over the key. Go up and take the diamonds in this room, but leave the one in the bottom-left corner. Go up and under the row of boulders. Head into the room on your right. Push the first boulder right to allow you to come down on the left. Go in between the walls (sofas) and push the boulder right. Go down past it and right, allowing it to fall behind you. Head up and release the spirit. Take the diamond left of the egg, but leave the earth below it. Now push the egg left, and allow the monster to follow you up and under the first of the two boulders set in the wall. Kill the monster and come back out; collect everything in this section. Then go under the other boulder and around the top of the level, collecting everything. Take the transporter to the enclosed room. Push the boulder above the time capsule left to the wall, and push the other boulder right. Go down and right so that the boulders fall behind you. Step up and go left to collect the diamonds in the bottom corner; now roll the rightmost boulder away to give you access to the transporter. You are back in the bottom-right section; come out by the remaining exit on the left. When you reach the four boulders and diamonds, let the first boulder roll right so the second can be pushed right off the diamond. Now head down and left along the bottom of the level. Go up to the right of the stack of three boulders so they fall, and collect the last diamond. Leave this room by going up past the egg so that it falls, with the boulder following. Now go to the timebomb. Level 1-D Password: GADGETS Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: A nightmare of guiding the right spirits to the right cages, and two transporters that are just traps for the unwary. Walkthrough: Wait for the spirit to release you and head left. Let the first egg fall right and push the boulder onto it. Take the next few diamonds and push the boulder above the "yellow pot plant" wall right. Let the boulder right of the egg fall straight down, and go around to push it right, dropping the egg with a boulder following. On the far left, take the earth at the bottom and push the boulder down, but leave the second boulder and the diamonds around it. Go right and up on the left of the spirits' enclosure, allowing the first boulder to fall right. Take the next diamond and then go up and right, leaving the earth left of and above the topmost skull. Let the boulders fall across the path you just took, and head right. Now go right and down the "staircase" to the spirits' enclosure; release them and head for the bottom-left corner of the level ahead of them. When they go past, lie in wait behind the loose boulder to push it over the monster when it emerges from the egg balanced on the cage. Return to the spirits' enclosure and release the third spirit; as soon as he comes out, go back in and take a key. When the third spirit cages, release the two spirits in the centre. Then back to the bottom-left, where you can now enter the upper room. Allow the boulders to fall (without worrying about trapping the transporter). In the upper room, let just the first two boulders fall, stepping right to release the second one; push the third boulder left to give you access to the bottom diamonds. After taking these, release the spirit and take everything else in this area. Push the boulder above the two diamonds three squares right, then take the diamonds left of the egg, push it behind the boulder and push the boulder onto the monster. Take the transporter to get out, collect everything on the outer part of the level, and defuse the timebomb. Level 1-E Password: REACTOR Difficulty: 6/10 Overview: The main part of the level is a puzzle involving using boulders to connect cages to the wall and guide spirits into them. So long as you don't collide with the spirits, nothing too difficult. Walkthrough: Run down and left to release the egg. Leave the monster to be killed by the fungus, and run round to take the diamond from the middle of the fungus (but leave the diamond left of the timebomb) and take the transporter. Go up and push the boulder right. Come straight down and take the earth between the two boulders, then step up so the right boulder falls. Push the other right and come down on the left, taking the diamonds from under the third boulder to stop it falling on you. Take the diamond below the safes and go down, right to take the next diamond and down again. Come back up so the boulder falls, and take the earth on the left, then step up to let one boulder fall down. Go past it, right and down, and proceed along the bottom row. (Be careful not to be trapped by the last boulder; push it just one square and then let it fall.) Now come up on the right-hand side. At the top, let the two boulders left of the egg fall and take the key. Now deal with the cages as follows: (1) Top: Go around it leaving the earth on its right, then drop a boulder to land on this earth section. (2) Left: Leave the earth square left of the top cage and drop a boulder on it. When a spirit enters the cage, roll another boulder off the first boulder and the diamond to the square on top of the second cage. When this cage too has been taken, lower this boulder and push it right of the lowest cage. (3) Right: Clear the earth above and right of the top cage, then push the egg left. The three boulders above the egg will fall and kill the monster. When a spirit enters this cage, lower the boulders to connect the second cage to the wall, and do the same with the third. When everything else is done, take the line of diamonds above the fungus, and finish with the two diamonds protecting the timebomb. Level 1-F Password: REUNION Difficulty: 7/10 Overview: Four transporters that have to be taken in the right order, a few cages that are somewhat tricky to connect to the wall, and one annoying monster... a tough level, but nothing too hard. Walkthrough: Start with the upper transporter. Step left, right, up, right, up and free the diamonds in the corner by rolling the boulders above them to the right. Go up the left of the room, and now take the transporter on the right. Step up and right to let the boulder fall, and let the boulder in the third row from bottom fall right as well to free the bottom diamonds. Now take everything in this room (easy if you work from the bottom up), the key, and the lower transporter. Head left under the two boulders and the single boulder, then push this boulder right and take the bottom diamonds. As before, free the diamonds in the corner by letting the boulder above them fall right. Continue upwards to the empty square (the destination of the last transporter); when it is accessible, come back down and head right. Take the last transporter, head back down, let the monster follow you back to the far left, and run under a boulder and drop it on it. Clear the earth left of the upper diamond at the entrance to the lower-left room and drop one boulder down. Push it three squares left, take the earth to its left from above, come round and push the egg down and the boulder over it. Now lower the boulder to the wall and push it to the far left wall to connect up one cage. Roll another boulder off the other diamond and push it below the right cage; then drop another boulder down on the far right to complete the chain. Now enter the upper-right room, go up its left side and release the first spirit, which will enter the cage next to the fungus. Continue up to the room with two spirits and release these. Return to the lower-left room and wait for them to reach the cages. Push the boulder under the right cage back to the right so that it stands one square left of the egg. Take the column of earth under the egg and run up between the two "sofa" walls to drop the boulder onto it, connecting another cage. Release one more spirit to enter this cage. Finally, roll the boulder two squares left and lower it to the ground. Allow the egg to fall right and push the boulder over it; then roll it next to the last cage. Release the last three spirits from the top-right corner, and now, when they leave this room, take the diamond from the cage next to the fungus. The idea is that the last cage of all will be connected by the fungus when it has grown enough; there are two time capsules in this room to give you enough time to wait. Just step out of the spirit's way each time it comes back, and this should be no problem. Level 1-G Password: OBSERVE Difficulty: 12/10 Overview: Repton must have been a genius to solve this one as a baby! You have to move so fast and take care of so many tiny details to avoid getting yourself trapped, and one spirit room requires some extremely fine manoeuvring. They don't get much harder than this. Walkthrough: Quickly take the diamonds and earth to allow the boulders to fall, and run right and down to open the cage. Wait above it, and as soon as the spirit enters it, run down and left to take the diamonds freeing a second cage. Step out of the spirit's way without taking the earth section immediately left of the cage, and run back up and around on the left to rescue a diamond almost enclosed by fungus. Coming back, take all the diamonds and push the egg right; leave the monster to be killed by the fungus in due time. Return to the cage, and roll the boulder two squares right to cover the way through. Go down on the left and take the lowest diamond, but do NOT take the diamonds that will allow the boulder to fall in this diamond's place. Now go through to the cage so that the boulder falls into place behind you. Take a few breaths. This is going to be hard. When the spirit bounces off the diamond next to you, take it and step up and right to stand below the boulder. When the spirit passes below you again, step right and up to allow the boulder and egg to fall, trapping the spirit again. Step left and, when the spirit bounces off the top of his new enclosure, quickly take the diamond, push the boulder over the egg and run round to open the cage on the right. (Alternatively, don't trap yourself with the boulder but leave it and hope that the fungus will have grown enough to contain the spirit. This requires less skill but more luck, whereas the method described above can be brought to work every time with practice.) In the lower room, let the first boulder fall right, push the second left, push the third left and the second back right, and go around the third and down. Take the earth on the right of the bottom room and the diamond blocking the cage, but leave the earth section above and right of this diamond. Come back and take the left two of the row of four diamonds, then step down next to the transporter. The transporter takes you to the rightmost square of the chamber with the two spirits. Wait for them to leave this square, then transport yourself and run left behind them, then when they pass above you, push the boulder out to free yourself. When one spirit enters the cage, go all the way left and push the boulder back over the egg. Wait for the spirit to be nearly back (around 200 time units) before taking the time capsule; then stand out of the spirit's way. Push the boulder left and come out to finish the rooms on the right. First go straight up to let the four boulders fall across your path, then go up through the gap in the wall. Allow the boulder on your left to fall, then use the Repton shuffle to move the top boulder left out of harm's way. Collect everything in this room and the room above it and go back to the four boulders; push the bottom one and follow it into the next room. Wait for the spirit to pass above you, then run right and up to free its cage. Collect everything in this room, finishing by pushing the egg right and running up to drop a boulder on it. Take a key and go up and round on the left; push the upper of the two stacked boulders right. Go back round to take the diamond below this boulder and push the other boulder left to free yourself. Emerge on the left and go down and left to take the diamond below the middle of the four boulders. Come back right and round the top. Let the next boulder fall right, then go past it and down between two boulders. Go under the boulder on your left and push it two squares right. Go straight down, left and down again, right under the boulder and push it back left. Go down to collect the diamonds in the bottom- left corner. Push the boulder above an earth square right, then go under it for the crown. Collect everything in this room from the bottom up; leave the time capsule a while if you like, but not so long that it gets trapped by the falling boulders! At the top of this room, free the cage by taking the diamond on its right, then drop some boulders to release the spirits. When one spirit enters the cage, take the last diamonds in the room, then exit through the spirits' enclosure. Take the diamonds in the top- left corner of the level, then come back and go down past the fungus. Wait on the left of the timebomb for the spirit to enter its cage; then run around and collect the diamond, which should be the last. Level 1-H Password: DIVERGE Difficulty: 9/10 Overview: Four monsters, two of which are free from the start, and only one boulder. The level is a maze of diamonds, with eight cages buried in various places; the problem is to create pathways leading to the cages without inadvertently opening a loop that will stop the spirits reaching them. Walkthrough: Go left two squares, up two squares, right, up two squares and right three squares to leave the monster in a "nook" where it cannot get you. Go down to open the cage and come back up. Free the spirit and step out of its way. Now go back down and entice the lower monster to follow you; run back to the right and instead of going down to the cage, go up. If the monster runs into the other monster's enclosure, good. If not, go up past the line of skulls and past the first diamond above them; then run in a clockwise loop around the two isolated skulls to get the monster behind you. Either way, run down to the bottom of the level and left with both monsters following. Keeping them close behind you, run up at the far left to crush both with the next egg. Wait for this egg to hatch and run up again; step left to avoid the skull and continue up; run around the last egg and push it onto the monster. Finally, take the three diamonds below the last egg to drop it onto the skull. Go up, right and down to entice it to the square next to the fungus. Now just make sure you stay below and right of this monster until the fungus has killed it. (An alternative, slower but surer, is to let just the first monster follow you around, and after pushing the top egg to kill the third monster, go all the way back to get the second to follow you round and kill this one too with the egg.) Coming down, you see two spirits on either side of you; these can be released straight away. Head right to open up two more cages, then down to find the spirits for these cages (one on the left, one on the right). By this time the monster should have been killed. Head left to check if the lower fungus has closed off the passage; if it has, take the diamonds near the fungus to prevent it trapping them and break open a new passage by going down to the bottom of the level further right. There is another cage near this fungus on the right. Once you are sure the monster is dead, head up the middle to the very top of the level; there are two more cages here and two more spirits. To find the last two spirits, go back down to the bottom, all the way round on the right and back up. When all right spirits have been released and found their cages, just go around the level collecting all the diamonds (leaving those holding fungus until last). - SCHOOL - - Character correspondences - DIAMOND: sweet THE CROWN: pocket calculator THE TIMEBOMB: Repton's school desk KEY: coin TIME CAPSULE: pen EARTH: grass WALLS: hedges, trees, desks, sports apparatus SKULL: cane BOULDER: football EGG: seated teacher MONSTER: angry teacher SAFE: tuck shop CAGE: cricket stumps SPIRIT: cricket ball FUNGUS: homework Level 2-A Password: SCHOOL Difficulty: 2/10 Overview: A simple level, but concealing some awkward pitfalls where Repton can get stuck if he does the wrong thing. Walkthrough: Go right and follow the trail of diamonds round. Proceed up and right past the boulder, collect the diamond on the right, go up between the two boulders and push right. Go down to the key, come back up and take the diamonds on the left, and go back and all the way right. Take the diamonds and crown in the lower room, and then go under the three boulders to reach the transporter. Take the diamonds, stand between the egg and boulder, and push right so the egg falls. Let the monster follow you round and take the second transporter so the boulder falls on it. Come out of this room again and go up left of the two stacked boulders. Take the diamond in the ceiling of the room with the spirit, and push the boulder down to free the spirit. Follow it to its cage, go under the two boulders and push one of them back right so both passages are open. Follow the left passage around until you reach the three boulders; avoid them by going around on the right; take the diamonds at the bottom, come back under the three boulders and go back up. Finally, take the diamonds in the top room and proceed right to the timebomb. Kill the second monster by clearing some space, letting it fall, and lying in wait behind the boulder. Level 2-B Password: ADVANCE Difficulty: 3/10 Overview: One spirit starts off free, and the other two are released when you take the key, so you need to be careful when in the central area. The rest is easy once you know what pitfalls to avoid. Walkthrough: Take the diamonds to free the cage, but leave the key. Go left, push the boulder two squares and let it fall. Go past and take and the diamonds on the bottom row. Continue up to rescue the diamond below the crown (which will be trapped when you get the key). Come back out, get the key and run left to get behind the boulder before it blocks your path. Push it into the corner and take the transporter. This takes you to the top of the large room; immediately take the next transporter. Push the egg until it falls, run up and left and push the boulder over it. Come out of this area (avoiding the spirits) and go into the room with the two cages. Go around the left of the lower cage, up and under the boulders, then push one left and one right so both are connected to the walls. Wait here for the spirits to enter the cages. Go all the way up the staircase and take the earth in the top corner. Come back down and take the transporter in the room at right centre. Take all the diamonds in this room, transport out again, and make your way at last to the timebomb. Level 2-C Password: BAPTISE Difficulty: 5/10 Overview: One decidedly annoying monster and some moderately awkward spirits make this a level not to be underestimated. Walkthrough: Go right, pushing the loose boulder only one square, and run under the row of boulders and the egg. Come back, with the monster following you, and run up to drop a boulder on it. Continue upwards to the key and then take the transporter. Taking care not to collide with a spirit, go up to the middle of the next room and left to free the cage. When a spirit opens it, go through and down. Clear the earth in the lower room and push the boulder down to connect the cage to the wall. Then enter the upper room, go along the top to clear the earth left of the boulder, and go round to push it left and connect this cage too. When both remaining spirits are caged, take the diamond at the bottom-left of the main room and free the spirit at the top before taking the transporter. Come left and push the boulder all the way left; then lower it two squares to connect the cage. Release the spirit, and when it enters the cage, push the boulder to stand on the leftmost square of the wall. Push the other boulder left and go down. Go under the egg and round to push the boulder and collect the crown. When the spirit has gone past, let the monster follow you into the large room. By running round in a rectangle, get back to the entrance with the monster behind you, run up between the two boulders and push either of them over the monster. Collect everything and take the last transporter. Go all the way right until you reach the diagonal chain of boulders. When the spirit passes over them, let the middle one fall, then quickly go under the top one and step right. Step left and go up and run right to clear the way for the spirit to reach its cage. Then just continue up to the last diamonds and the timebomb. Level 2-D Password: LESSONS Difficulty: 5/10 Overview: Fast movement is needed in some parts of this level, but with a bit of practice most of the puzzles are straightforward. Walkthrough: After the spirit bounces off the diamond, collect it and run up and left. Go down and push the boulder all the way left, then run up, push the egg, take the key and get out of the spirit's way on the left. When the spirit enters its cage, run up and right, with the monster following, until you reach the second boulder. Run in an anti-clockwise loop to get on the other side of the boulder, and kill the monster. Now collect everything in this area. The second monster is much simpler: take the diamond below it to clear some space, push it left, run round and push the boulder right. Take the transporter. In the next room, go up and let the boulder fall. Stand where the boulder was to let the spirits past, then take the diamonds blocking the cages. Go through and take everything in the top room. Heading right, use the Repton shuffle to avoid the lower passage becoming blocked. Go up, break the egg, and let the monster follow you around to the boulder on the right; drop this to kill the monster. Take the crown and the second transporter. Here, let the first boulder fall, then push it over the transporter. Go down right of the transporter and come up to let the two stacked boulders fall left. Go down on the right, push the top boulder of the group of three left, and go under them. Take everything in this room from the bottom up and take the transporter. In the bottom section, take the top-left diamond first, then wait for the spirit to bounce off the boulder and push it right under the gap. Take the diamond (and the time capsule, if you need it) on the left of the skull maze, then enter the space below the five boulders. Take all the earth so they fall, go up and push the boulder right. Lower it to connect the cage to the wall and go right and down. Free the spirit, break the egg and push a boulder over the monster, take all the diamonds and come back (right, up and left) to the timebomb. Level 2-E Password: ZIPPERS Difficulty: 7/10 Overview: The first section contains a tricky spirit puzzle requiring a bit of forethought. The rest is easier, but there are a couple of difficult monsters in the upper-left section. Walkthrough: Use the Repton shuffle to place the boulder above you on the left. Go up, push the other boulder over the fungus, and free the top cage. Come down and clear the earth in the left-hand room, but leave the top-left square to hold the boulders, and also leave the square directly under the cage. Push the boulder one square left. Break the egg and run around the boulder (still leaving that earth square), and push the boulder just one square to kill the monster. Now clear some earth from the right-hand room and push the boulder under the diamonds to release the spirit. Push the boulder back left, roll the other two boulders down to connect the cage, and free the upper spirit. Finally take the time capsule and the transporter. In the top-left section, go down and let the boulder fall left. Head right, take the earth under the lower egg, and go round to push the boulder over the monster. Push the boulder back to the right and use the Repton shuffle to push the other egg left. Wait below and right of the boulder to entice the monster in position, then push the boulder over it. Take the bottom-left diamonds and then get the key. Clear the line of earth above the cage, roll the left boulder down, push it one square right, and lower the other boulder to connect the cage. Release the spirit, collect everything in this room, and take the second transporter to the maze of skulls. Head left and follow the maze round until you open up the cage. Go back and down to release the spirit, and run through the maze ahead of it until you reach the safe area above the time capsule. Take everything, leaving the time capsule for last, then the transporter. Push the boulder right and go round on the right to push the boulder over the last monster. Go down and free the spirit while it is moving upwards (spirits always look for openings on their left, so while it is moving upwards you are safe). Free the cage, wait for the spirit, and go through to free the last two spirits. Get out of their way, go in to free the cages, and stand in the safe square above and left of the cage on the far right. Collect everything in the rooms behind the cages and finish with the bottom room and the timebomb. Level 2-F Password: BLEAKLY Difficulty: 7/10 Overview: The upper sections of this level are nothing too difficult, but the lower section is decidedly awkward as you have to manouevre around a tight space with free spirits, and there isn't much time. Walkthrough: Push the first boulder left to get round. Drop the egg and drop the top boulder on top of it. Go up and clear the earth around the top-right boulder and shuffle it out of harm's way. Take the diamonds and come back down for the transporter. Take the diamonds and come down, avoiding the keys. In the right-hand room, clear the earth on the bottom and then take the first three diamonds from left to right, letting the boulders fall. Step left and right to push one boulder away; repeat with a second; then take the diamonds and go up. You will now be able to come back down on the left and go for the second transporter. Break the egg and allow the monster to follow you up and right. Go around the wall on the right, straight up left of the skulls, under the boulder and step left to drop it on the monster. Take the lower diamonds and push another boulder to block this passage and shorten the spirit's journey; free the cage at the top then release the spirit, and when it enters the cage, take the transporter. Take the earth and time capsule and come up and right. Clear the earth square below and left of the four boulders, go under them and push the first into this square, then step right. Push one boulder all the way left, one right and the last one left. Go right and down to take the diamonds from the lower rooms (in each one, clear the earth to allow the boulders to fall into it and out of the way). Free the spirits and run up and right to get out of their way. Return to their room and clear the earth left of the boulder to let it fall left when the key is taken. When the spirits return to this room, run out ahead of them and up and left. Run round to the key and step left so that the boulder falls and blocks the spirits from reaching you. When the spirit on the left is heading upwards, run past and push the egg. Run down past it, right, down and left. Take the diamond in the corner and run up to avoid the spirit (or down and right to a safe square if the spirit is too close). Backtrack and let the monster follow you; this time go up on the far left, run under the boulder, and drop it to kill the monster. Take the diamond from the cage and come back up and right. Push the boulder and take the diamond to let the spirits through; stand out of their way. When they pass, go round to the crown and open up the route to the last cage. Wait for the spirit and take the diamonds. Level 2-G Password: CORPSES Difficulty: 6/10 Overview: A series of puzzles in which Repton must be careful, but this level contains nothing really new or difficult. Walkthrough: Push the boulder left, go through to free the spirit, and stand out of its way on the right. Run through to push the egg and take the transporter. Push the boulder one square left, go down to take the key, and take the diamond to free the lower cage but do not free the upper one. Go round on the left to push the boulder over the monster, and go back down to free the spirit again if it is now stuck in the lower area. Now open up the other cage, take the crown and release the second spirit; without waiting for it to reach the cage, take the second transporter. Wait for the spirit to bounce off the diamond and run out, left and up. Push the egg and run under the boulder and push it one square right. Let the spirit get out of the way, kill the monster and push the boulder down to connect up the cage. Go down to release another spirit into the top-left cage and take the transporter behind it. Head left, and when the spirit goes down, run round the boulder to guide the spirit to its cage. Take the diamond and go down on the right. Let the first boulder fall right so you can take all three diamonds. Go through and take all the earth to clear space for the pile of boulders. Push three in a row into the left room, and thereafter push the boulders alternately right and left until all are safely out of the way. Take the diamonds and continue up and left. Push the first boulder, go down to free the spirit, and go down to the bottom of the level. Let the two stacked boulders fall, then proceed upwards through the room of boulders to free the cage. Also let the boulder at the top-left of this room fall to shorten the spirit's journey. Go down and left and take the three diamonds in this area, leaving the square of earth holding the three boulders to avoid them trapping you. Take everything in this area (once the spirit has returned and entered the cage) and continue up. When you reach the chain of four boulders, take the first diamond and step left, then take the earth to let this boulder fall. Let each boulder fall left and go through to the last transporter; then go round to get the diamond from the cage you freed earlier and finish. Level 2-H Password: ZYGOTES Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: A fast-paced fugue interweaving two themes: the Repton shuffle, and running to get out of the way of spirits. Walkthrough: Go up and right. Shuffle the first boulder left but do not push it down. Go down, without taking the key. Stand under the next boulder, and when the spirit bounces off it, shuffle it left and run right and up to free the cage. Come back down, take the lower key, and immediately run right to avoid the boulder blocking you. Returning to the top-right, when the spirit bounces off the boulder push it right and take the diamond to let it fall. Follow the spirit into the lower room and stand right of the cage; when the spirit comes out, run through and take the transporter. Run round to get the crown and return to transport back to the room you just left. Push the two boulders into the hole on the left and roll the boulder on the far right off the diamond below it so it can be pushed left to connect the cage. Wait for the spirit to return and then push this boulder right again (closing off the little room) before going down. When you reach the two boulders, go down and right to let the upper boulder fall behind you, then shuffle it right to leave the passage below you open. Run into the next room and wait in the centre. When the spirits have gone, wait by the cage on the left; when the first spirit returns and opens this cage, run through and stand by the second cage, and repeat to let the third spirit open the third cage. Retrace your steps and head right under the boulder; push it left and then watch the spirits above you. They are not equally spaced, so you get one going past, then the other, then a (slightly) longer gap and then the first one again. You want to free the spirits during the shorter gap so that they emerge separated by the longer gap. Run back through the maze of skulls and wait above the fourth cage; when the first spirit enters it, run through and let the boulder fall to clear the way for the other spirit to enter its cage. Now free the last spirit and go through to clear the earth from the bottom-left room. Go up, and roll the boulder in the top-right corner of the other room off the diamond and push it left to connect the cage. (Do not take the transporter in this room!) Wait for the spirit to return, and take the diamond from the cage before leaving. Now head down on the far right. Take the three diamonds to allow the stacked boulders to fall and go down. Step left when you reach the next stacked boulders, and push the upper one of the last stacked pair right into the empty space. Now go below the boulders to collect the diamonds. Head left, and clear the earth before shuffling the egg to the right, followed by the boulder. The next room is similar but with two boulders: one must be shuffled to each side. When you have taken everything from the lower rooms, backtrack all the way to the top of the level. Head left and go into the room under the last egg. Clear the earth and stand aside; the boulders will fall so as to allow you to pass. Run up and left and push the boulder over the last monster. Continue left; there is one last shuffle required to avoid blocking the route to the timebomb. - TEENS - - Character correspondences - DIAMOND: LP record THE CROWN: ghetto-blaster THE TIMEBOMB: Repton's girlfriend KEY: disco jacket TIME CAPSULE: dial telephone EARTH: street dust WALLS: walls, shop fronts, roofs, telephone boxes (curved left!) SKULL: packet of cigarettes BOULDER: motorcycle helmet EGG: Mod seated on scooter MONSTER: angry Mod SAFE: disco CAGE: record shop SPIRIT: brick FUNGUS: traffic cone Level 3-A Password: TEENS Difficulty: 1/10 Overview: So long as you remember not to let one safe become trapped, this level should present no problems. Walkthrough: Step left to get out of the way of the boulder, and go down and right. When you reach the safe in the bottom-right corner, walk under the upper boulder and push it left; clear the earth left of the bottom boulder and go round and push this away to create a route to the safe from the left. Now go up on the right; push each egg in turn down to the right and drop a boulder on it. Head to the far left to collect the lone diamond, then go up to the cluster of four diamonds and two boulders. Take the diamonds on the right to let the upper boulder fall, then push the lower boulder down. Get past the chain of boulders by letting each in turn fall right and take the key; then take all the diamonds in this area. Continue up on the far right and go left. Release the three spirits and wait in the room below them for all three to enter their cages. Drop the egg and wait round the boulder on the right for the monster, then push the boulder onto it. Now collect everything; be careful, when going down on the far left of the level, to push the boulder so it does not fall off the "telephone box" wall onto you. Finally go up to the room with the timebomb. Push the first boulder down and take the diamond to let it fall left; then do the rest. Level 3-B Password: TURBINE Difficulty: 3/10 Overview: The left section of the level is a complex maze in which some passages might become blocked if you do things in the wrong order. Nevertheless, if you play by instinct it's easy to get right. Walkthrough: Push the boulder over the fungus, and go round and take the transporter. Walk under the boulder and egg and wait behind the next boulder to kill the monster. Go all the way left and up. Walk under the lower two boulders without disturbing the earth, then go further up. Take the diamond left of the key, then step up, right and up and retrace your steps to let the boulder fall, letting you take the key. Return to the earth sections and let the loose boulder fall, and follow it back down. Head under the two skulls and around to reach the cage; then go back and take the lower passage to free the first spirit. When it has entered the cage, go up between the skulls. Take the diamond at the corner of the wall first, then the first two diamonds under the boulders, then push the boulder back left and push the last boulder right to get through. Return to the spirits' enclosure to release the second spirit. The rest is easy. Leave the spirits' enclosure on the lower right and take the diamonds in the next room; then head right and down to reach the room with the crown. Go down on the right and collect everything from the bottom up. Follow the same rule in the large space on the right; when you reach the egg, drop it and run up to drop the boulder on it. Do not take either of the remaining transporters. In the room with the transporter near the top-left corner, let the rightmost boulder fall right, then go round and take the remaining diamonds in the very corner room now that you can push the boulder to get out. Finish with the diamonds holding the fungus and then the timebomb. Level 3-C Password: WEAKEN Difficulty: 5/10 Overview: A moderately annoying cage in the top room, and with very few passages between the top and bottom of the level, you need some foresight to avoid blocking yourself. Walkthrough: Head left, keeping to the top two rows of the level. When you reach the time capsule near the cage, go three squares left and three down to stand below and right of the cage. Retrace your steps to drop a boulder into this square; then repeat with the next square right and down. Finally, take the three diamonds below the skull to let the boulders fall into the last square completing the chain. Go round on the left and release the spirit. Take the diamonds and earth below the egg and drop it directly down; then push the nearest boulder onto it. Take the key from the top-left corner. Now go down from the spirit's enclosure until you reach the long wall, and head right. Take the diamonds in this area, including those at the top around the three skulls. At the bottom, where a boulder is on top of two diamonds, push it aside and go down and left. When you reach a chain of three diamonds near the far left, go up. Go under the egg and push the boulder on the right over the monster. Head left and up; take the time capsule to let the boulder fall past you before taking the diamond set in the wall, otherwise you will find yourself stuck! Go round the boulder for the bottom diamond, then head up. Push the boulder set in the wall to the right to get out, and head for the top-right corner, collecting everything as you go. Roll the boulder next to the right wall down to get past it. In the lower room, let the egg fall right, then roll the boulder off the diamond against the right wall to land on it. Collect everything and go down. In the bottom area, go round the wall to walk upwards under the boulder, taking the diamond and letting the boulder fall left. Now simply collect everything in this area too and defuse the timebomb. Level 3-D Password: CHEAPLY Difficulty: 7/10 Overview: The land of boulder-and-diamond puzzles. Some easy, some difficult. All have to be done with not a lot of time. Walkthrough: Go to the far left, and let the two stacked boulders fall right. Go down to the solid rectangle of diamonds and boulders, and push the boulder in the top row to the right. Go down the left column and under the two boulders, then push the boulder back left and take the diamond in the bottom row. Now come back up. Go under the three boulders in the top row and as far right as you can, then push the last boulder back left. Go round on the right to push the boulder away from the trapped diamond at the bottom. Now take all the diamonds in the lower-left part of this room. To prevent the exit from this room becoming blocked, drop the upper of the two boulders next to the exit one square to get the diamond behind it. Leaving the row of earth above this diamond in place, go round and collect the earth to let the boulders below Repton's starting location fall and give you access to the diamond. To deal with the row of boulders at the very top, leave the row of earth below them, start on the left, and when you reach the diamond in the top row, step up and thereafter let each boulder fall left to let you reach the next diamond. You should now be ready to leave this room. The second room is easy: just work from the bottom upwards. In the next room, push the first boulder (the one resting on the wall) left, letting the next boulder fall, and push this left too. Push the boulder below this left and go down, letting the two stacked boulders fall. Go right under the next boulder and push this all the way left, then proceed down. Go right, and let the boulder against the right wall fall left to let you reach the bottom of this room. Take the left exit (after pushing the boulder above the exit to one side). Go right and down; take all the diamonds in this room, and head left at the very bottom of the level. Let the boulder fall off the wall to give you access to the room with four skulls; take all the diamonds here and then come up through the room with the key. Now go up and take everything in the top-right room, from the bottom up as always. Entering the bottom-left room at last, let the first boulder fall right, go left under the next two boulders, push right and continue left. Go down on the far left, let the two stacked boulders fall, and go right under another boulder. Push this to the far left, then push the boulder below you left onto the wall. Come down and take the diamonds at the bottom of the level. Go right to take the three diamonds close to the timebomb, then retrace your steps without disturbing the earth above them. Head up the middle of this room, letting boulders fall left where possible, and get the diamond from the far right by lowering the boulder on the same level as it one square and running right and up. Now finish. Level 3-E Password: OVERLAP Difficulty: 6/10 Overview: A densely packed maze of a level that can be confusing to try to work out a route on. Walkthrough: Go up. Walk above the two stacked boulders, let the egg fall left, and kill the monster with the third boulder. Now let the stacked boulders fall left, go under the other two boulders, push left and continue right. In the next room, take the diamond to let the first spirit into its cage. Go up and stand aside to let the next spirit pass you; it will find its cage on the far left. Clear the column of earth in the top-right of the upper room, then head left along the top. Push the boulder next to the cage to connect it to the wall and take the transporter. Take everything in the room with the key before emerging. In the next room, let the top egg fall left, then go round and push the boulder over the monster. Push the boulder back right, then repeat the procedure with the leftmost egg and finally the bottom one. Take all the diamonds in this room and come back right. Go down on the right of this room and release the third spirit into the top cage. Heading left back along the path you took earlier, push the boulder that has fallen off the safe left to reach the second transporter. In the bottom corner, let the boulders fall right to exit the room, go all the way left along the bottom row and all the way back right along the upper row. Go up and left and take the diamonds in a long vertical line, then come back down and right to take the crown. Now go up and take all the diamonds in the next room from the bottom up. When you reach the top, let the last boulder fall to release the spirit, stand aside to let it pass, run up into the top room, let the boulder fall off the safe to connect the cage, take the top-left diamond, and stand in the safe square above the cage. Leave this room by pushing the boulder left into the space you cleared earlier. Make your way back to the bottom of the level and collect everything in the large room of boulders and diamonds from the bottom up. The only diamond that might be tricky is the one left of a boulder balanced on a skull; get this one by first letting the boulder fall down on the right. Now come back up on the left to the timebomb. Level 3-F Password: PADLOCK Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: The right section of the level involves moving through a maze patrolled by spirits, but if you can avoid collisions in this area, the rest is pretty straightforward. Walkthrough: Go right and down. After taking the diamonds around the safe to release the spirits, go back up and wait above the egg; when the first spirit enters the cage, unbalancing the egg, take the transporter to the top-right room. Wait for the spirit here to be out of the way, then push the boulder right, go under it and push it back left. Push the third boulder right, followed by the second, then take the diamond right of and below the skull to release the spirit, step aside, and open up the cage from above. Now head left and kill the monster that was released earlier with the boulder set in the wall. (If the monster is hiding in the nook below the wall, push the boulder left then right to kill him, and then push it into the left corner to give yourself space to hide from the spirits.) Watch the row of earth below the wall; when a spirit is moving right along this row, it will next come up towards you. When this row is clear, run right and down to open another cage. Wait above this cage for a spirit to enter, then go down and under the boulder. Push this right, and you are now sealed off from the spirits. Let the next boulder fall right and take the diamonds from the bottom. Wait for the next spirit to go past and emerge from this area, waiting above the diamond left of the safes. When both remaining spirits have left the maze of safes, take this diamond, head down for the next and open the cage at the bottom. Wait at the top for the two spirits to return and go back to the top-right room to release another spirit and take the key. Finally, go left along the bottom of the level, letting the first boulder fall behind you to seal yourself off again. Take the bottom diamonds first and go up until you have opened paths to both cages in the next room; come back and release the spirit from the bottom-left. Go right through the wall of the lower room, open another cage, and now open the way for the spirits from the right to get through. Now collect everything in all the rooms with the usual procedure of starting from the bottom. The diamonds at the bottom of the lower-left room can be reached through the transporter; it takes you to its own square (the only transporter in Repton 3 to do this). To solve the room with the timebomb, start by pushing the boulder at the lower entrance right. Let the next boulder fall to trap the fungus, and let the next boulder fall across the entrance but not blocking it. Take the last transporter (in the top-left room) and go up to let the two boulders fall right and reach the diamond in the midst of the skulls. The rest is easy; deal with the egg by taking the diamonds below it, then walking under the boulder and pushing it back over the monster. Now defuse the timebomb. Level 3-G Password: DIALLED Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: A low time limit screen in which the spirits are a little awkward, but more than enough time capsules are provided to help you navigate the large outer section of the level. Walkthrough: Go down and left under the first boulder, and push it back right. Go down between the two boulders, then step up to let the right boulder fall. Drop the upper boulder against the right wall one square, then let it fall left, then take the diamonds from the bottom row. Come up and go under the boulder below the skull, then push it right to continue down. Let the boulder right of the safe fall straight down, then go under it and take the bottom diamonds. Finally go under the boulder in the third row from the bottom, and leave this room letting this boulder fall behind you. Take the diamonds between the skulls, then let the boulders fall and head along the top. Release the spirit, step aside to let it pass, then go down, between the skulls and down, let the first boulder fall left, go under the second then down and back left to let this boulder fall touching the cage. When the spirit has entered the cage, go down and right and wait by the lower exit to this room. Two spirits patrol the lower area, so if you have enough time it is a good idea to wait for them to pass before going down. Head left and collect the crown; clear out the earth in the bottom-left corner and go up. Head right along the top of the level; when you reach the egg, let it fall left, then go round to the right and push the boulder onto the monster. Continue right; let the first boulder fall left so you can get down. Lower the bottom boulder one square at a time to free the cage. Go back and release the spirit in the top-left corner, and when it has entered its cage, take the key. Also take a time capsule (there are two near the top-right corner) when you need one. Come back along the top of the level; on your way back down the left side, stop to open up the last cage. Go all the way down and along the bottom, taking the diamonds and dropping the boulder to keep the fungus contained. Do not take the time capsule in the next room. Continue right and drop the egg all the way down; run round it to the left and let the monster pursue you around to the upper time capsule. Run under the three boulders and step right to let the boulders fall on the monster; immediately step out of the way of the spirit. Let it out by taking the time capsule in the top-right of this room and pushing the boulder left. Go up on the far right and head left, taking care to avoid colliding with the spirit. Wait by the cage, and when the spirit enters it, go through and go round the skull on the right to take the diamond above it. Go back round on the left to the egg; break it and let the monster follow you up. Go under the boulder near the top spirit's enclosure and drop this over the monster. Finally, go all the way round to the lower entrance of the central rooms (take the time capsule you left here earlier if you need it) and collect all the diamonds in both from the bottom up, then defuse the timebomb. Level 3-H Password: CIRCLES Difficulty: 7/10 Overview: The left section of the level is another maze of guiding spirits to cages, while the right section contains a series of narrow rooms in which you must be careful not to get stuck. Walkthrough: Take the transporter to the bottom-right corner. Go up, and first let the egg fall right, rolling the boulder off the key to kill the monster. Collect everything in this room, including the key, and head left along the bottom. Avoiding the spirit, go all the way to the cage, open it up, and go up. Follow the chain of diamonds to the top of the level; when you reach the unstable boulders at the top, lower the first and roll the other off it onto an earth square. Go right along the very top to open another cage. Return to the left and wait outside the room with two spirits. Wait for one to bounce off the entrance diamond and follow it in. Run down to open the cage at the bottom, then come back up on the left (going around the lower boulder so as not to drop it) and drop the other boulder so it falls right of the group of diamonds. Take some of the diamonds to open the upper cage. One spirit should exit past this rock and open the cage in the top-right; follow it through and, after collecting the bottom diamonds in this room, release the spirit to the remaining cage in the other room. Go back ahead of it and release the last spirit, from the lower-left room, to the cage on the far right of the level. Now collect all the diamonds in this room; when taking the bottom-right diamond so that the boulder falls, do not push it until the spirit has gone past, as it forms part of the chain connecting the remaining cage in the far left room to the wall. When the spirit goes past heading up, push the boulder out and go up after the spirit. (Now is a good time to take the time capsule.) Enter the little room on the right, take the diamonds around the fungus, take the last diamond to drop the egg, and run up and push a boulder down over it. Go up and right over a boulder and push it back left; then come down on the right of the isolated wall and push the boulder left to gain access to the lower room. Let the egg fall right, and let the monster pursue you around to the right. Use the Repton shuffle to push the boulder over it, then collect everything in this room. Come out, collect the four diamonds on the right, and head up and right, pushing the boulder to reach the far right room. Go under the egg, let the boulder fall left, and kill the monster. Take all the diamonds and let the stacked boulders fall right to allow you to exit safely. Clear some space before entering the top-left room so you can push the boulder down on your way out. Now collect everything on the level and finish by heading for the opened cage on the far right. Go down and collect the earth to let the boulders fall, opening the way to the timebomb. - WORK - - Character correspondences - DIAMOND: sheaf of banknotes THE CROWN: briefcase THE TIMEBOMB: Repton's car KEY: office key TIME CAPSULE: mug of coffee EARTH: carpet WALLS: office walls, cupboards, fire exits, bookshelves, desks SKULL: whisky bottle BOULDER: filing cabinet EGG: seated boss MONSTER: angry boss SAFE: locked door saying "KEEP OUT" CAGE: computer SPIRIT: floppy disk FUNGUS: filing trays Level 4-A Password: WORK Difficulty: 2/10 Overview: An intricate level that can be awkward to navigate, but the puzzles it contains are mostly very straightforward. Walkthrough: Take the diamonds around Repton's starting location, and get round the loose boulder and push it left. Another boulder will fall; push this left too. Push the boulder on the row of three diamonds right and take the diamonds from below it; come round to take the remaining diamonds and exit this area on the left. Go down and push the boulder right. Continue down past it (without disturbing the egg) and go right to the bottom-right room. Collect everything in here from the bottom up and proceed left along the bottom corridor. Let the fourth boulder fall right to get past it and move under the stack of boulders to release the spirit. Take the diamond and push the last boulder aside to get to the key. When the spirit enters its cage, let the egg fall right and go up to roll a boulder down onto it. Go back along the bottom corridor and round to the diamond from the safe in the upper corridor. Take this and enter the room above and right of it. Take the diamonds in this room fro the bottom up and come up and right. At the far right, take everything in the lower room first and then the upper. Let the boulder on the left of the upper room fall straight down so as not to block the exit from here; push the top-left boulder down to reach the last diamond. Come out of this room and continue up. In the room with the egg, walk under the egg and boulder and push the boulder over the monster. Collect everything and now go to the room with the timebomb (reached from the left of the third corridor from the bottom of the level). If you are sure that only the five diamonds in this room remain, go up and let each boulder in the chain fall right to take all the diamonds; then defuse the timebomb. Level 4-B Password: INCLINE Difficulty: 3/10 Overview: A couple of moderately tricky boulder-and-diamond puzzles but nothing else to worry about. Walkthrough: Come down on the far right and take all the diamonds from the lower room. Come back up and head left. Let the first boulder fall right, then go down and take everything in this room from the bottom up. Go left, clear some space, and let the boulder at the top-right of this room fall to reach the upper room. Let the lower egg fall left, drop the upper egg on the monster, and use the Repton shuffle to push the boulder onto the second monster. Take the transporter to the bottom-left room. Solve the left part of the room first, and let the boulders in the top-right fall left to leave the exit unblocked. Get the key and come down. Head right, push the egg right, quickly grab the diamond and drop the two boulders on the monster. Head up and left and collect everything in this room. Now go right and collect all the diamonds from safes in the right- hand rooms. Kill the last monster by taking the diamond to drop the egg one square, then running and waiting behind the boulder on the right. Come down and take the transporter in the bottom-right room. Proceed left until you reach the diamond directly above the crown. Step left, down, left, and walk down to the two stacked boulders; then go up to let them fall, take the crown, and take everything else from the bottom up. Let the boulders over the exit fall right. Finally, head round on the left to the top of the level, and take all the diamonds around the fungus (once you are sure the rest is done). Level 4-C Password: HOSTAGE Difficulty: 4/10 Overview: An interesting level with different types of puzzle, but nothing difficult. The Work levels seem obsessed with making sure you only enter the final area after taking everything else: this is the third level in a row to require this! Strange, when (just like levels A to E on every other file} all of these levels have map access. Walkthrough: Take the diamonds and the transporter. Clear some earth, in particular making it possible for the boulder above the two safes to fall right, and head up on the right. Let all the boulders fall until you reach the cluster of three boulders; lower the rightmost of these and go up to the key. Come back down on the right to take the diamonds from the safes, then return to the top. Push the uppermost of the cluster of three boulders right to get down past it. When you reach the next cluster, let both the upper boulders fall right and come round on the left. Let the two stacked boulders fall right and go left to get below them; walk along the row of diamonds and go down for the bottom diamonds. Come back up to take the second transporter. Take the diamond below you and head left. Push the top boulder left over the diamond, let it fall right, then take the diamond to let it fall left. Follow it down and remove the earth to let it fall past the cage. Come back up and push the two boulders right to connect the cage. Let the boulder fall right to enter the top-left room; let the three stacked boulders fall right to reach the bottom diamonds. Come back round the top of the level to the right and head down, then go down and left to open the second cage. Enter the rooms at the bottom-right of the level to release both spirits. While you wait for the spirits, take everything from the top-right area; the egg is easily dealt with by pushing it right over the diamond, then rolling the boulder above it off the diamond down onto it. Return to the cage at the bottom and push the boulder left. Go up and push the next boulder left, then take the diamonds to lower it one square before taking the last diamond. Go up to the stacked boulders and let them fall right; go down for two more diamonds, which you can get by again lowering the boulder one square at a time. If you are sure you have taken everything else on the level, take the remaining transporter to the bottom-left room and collect the last diamonds. Level 4-D Password: TWISTED Difficulty: 6/10 Overview: Some quick thinking and a tricky rocks-and-diamonds puzzle are the obstacles to reaching the bottom of the level; once there, the rest should not present any problems. Walkthrough: Let the first boulder fall right and head down. After all four spirits have bounced off the diamond, run past them. Push the first egg right and the second left to create a space between them Repton can stand in. When the spirits have gone past again, push the left egg all the way left and push the bottom egg right to open up the four cages. When the spirits have entered the cages, go right under the loose boulder in the top row. Continue down and right, letting this boulder fall behind you. Come back up and push the loose boulder in the second row all the way right, letting the far left boulder fall; push this one too all the way right. Now let the leftmost of the cluster of boulders fall left, take the diamonds to lower the next boulder straight down, and take the bottom diamond to let this boulder fall right again. Push the loose boulder all the way right, come down in between the bottom two boulders and step right, letting just one fall. Step left, letting the unbalanced boulder fall, go down to the bottom, let this boulder fall left again, and take the transporter. Clear the earth to the right of the boulder on the safe, and come up and release the spirit into its cage. Take the earth to the left of the clump of boulders to let them fall, and go round under them and clear the earth to their right as well. Continue up and open the next cage; then release the spirit from just above it. Take the diamond to open the last cage, and release the last spirit by pushing the boulder into the bottom square of its enclosure. Now get the key. Come round the top to the left of the level; the first boulder will have fallen next to one of the eggs. Run under them and push the boulder over the monster; then push it one square right. Break another egg and get round behind the boulder to kill the monster; do this until all four monsters are dealt with. Now go all the way round the level collecting the diamonds from the safes. Finish with the area in the top-left. Let the first three boulders fall right, then push the next boulder in the top row left. Take the two diamonds at the bottom, then step aside to let the boulders fall so you can reach the last diamonds. Now return to the timebomb (which is left of the base of the large clump of boulders on the right). Level 4-E Password: TAXABLE Difficulty: 9/10 Overview: Four spirits patrol the starting area of the level, and Repton must be careful to avoid collisions in the narrow passages! The central area also requires quick running to avoid the spirits. Walkthrough: RUN right straight away to dodge the first spirit. Run under the wall and up right of the egg, then as far right as you can. Retrace your steps, go down left of the two cages, and come right along the bottom of the level to the corner. Wait for the first spirit to pass again (heading upwards now) and quickly lower the two stacked boulders to get past, then push the free boulder left until it stands between the two cages and connects both. Now wait in this area until both are taken and the remaining two spirits are both in the lower area; then head up on the right. Go left to the egg; walk under it and push the boulder over it. Hurry down to the bottom-left, take the three diamonds and clear the earth. Go up through the wall and under the boulder on the left; grab the three diamonds under the cage to let the boulders fall. Go beyond them and dig out the bottom-left diamond before going up for the key. Stand in a clear space to let the two spirits go past; follow them back to the bottom-right corner to get the diamond from the safe. Then come back up, clear the earth, and take the first few diamonds to open a way to the second cage. When the remaining spirit is again in the upper area, go through to the transporter. Take the first eight diamonds and wait above the room with the spirits. Two will bounce off the entrance diamond close together, then a single one. After that, take the diamond and stand in the safe square up and right to let the spirits pass. Immediately run down and through the skull maze; go up at the first turning and thereafter follow the trail of diamonds until you stand left of the cage. When the first spirit enters the cage, grab the diamond and stand aside for the other spirit. Leave the diamond from the second cage and go round to break the egg; then let the monster follow you around to the boulder left of the cages. Wait for the monster to be just behind you and run under the boulder, which will fall on the monster. Collect everything in the skull maze and take the transporter. Now head left along the bottom; clear some earth left of the egg, push it down and run up to drop the stacked boulders on it. Continue left and clear the earth below the room of diamonds before going up. Deal with the boulders across the path by ferrying them alternately left and right; then take the diamond in the gap in the wall. Clear the earth below and take everything in the top area from the bottom up. Level 4-F Password: WARTIME Difficulty: 11/10 Overview: Each spirit must go to the right cage, one tricky bit of manouevring has to be done before the spirits return, and the whole left part of the level must be solved before the fungus blocks you in. After all that, you need care when solving a tricky rocks-and- diamonds puzzle in the last room not to trap the timebomb! Walkthrough: Go down, left under the second boulder from the top, and push this boulder right. Lower the boulder on your left, and go down, right and down; run left along the bottom line of diamonds to let the spirit into its cage. Immediately run around the boulder (leaving the three earth squares below it) and grab the diamond on top of the fungus. Go through the cage into the next room, and take the diamond to disconnect the second cage from the wall; instead open the cage at the bottom-left. Come back out to release the spirit; take all the diamonds in this room and, going back up, drop a boulder on the rightmost of the three earth squares. Return to the opened cage. Go through (without taking the time capsule or diamond to open the upper corridor) and lower the boulder in the bottom-left corridor to release another spirit. Go up on the far left to free its cage and come back down to wait for it to pass you. Take the cage diamond and free the spirit on the right; immediately free the upper spirit and run down ahead of it. Now open the upper corridor by taking the diamond (but not the time capsule) and wait for the first spirit to enter; follow it to the cage and run through to open the second cage (but leave the diamond at the far left of the lower row, as well as the two diamonds below it). Step out of the spirit's way. Free the three spirits from the upper room and wait for them all to emerge. Run under the egg and up and right (without disturbing the earth next to the lower cage). Head left along the bottom of the next room, but do not take the earth immediately right of the skull. Go round and push the egg at the top-left; quickly clear the earth from under it and wait right of the boulder, then kill the monster by pushing this boulder just one square. Now push it all the way right and then take the key. Push the top-right egg right and take the earth below it to let it fall; run round the boulder and kill the monster by pushing it one square right (to stand under the skull). Now re-enter the lower room and entice the monster you released earlier to follow you; run around the boulder and push it over the monster and down. Also take the diamond to open the upper cage; all this should be done before the three spirits return. When the two cages in this room are taken and the third spirit has left again, drop the boulder and push it left and down. Go ahead of it to take the diamonds from the safes and the end of the corridors. Push the boulder down to the bottom of the level, take the time capsule and push it under the last cage. This should be done before the spirit returns from the right. Then drop the egg and push the boulder over the monster. Go left and up for the last few diamonds and the crown; when you have taken everything from the left of the level, go right and enter the room above the fungus. Clear this room from the bottom up and enter the top room. Go under the first boulder and push it left; go right to the diamond and push the boulder back left to get out. Take the earth to let the stacked boulders fall left; then take the next diamond up and right to let two boulders from the clump of five fall. Take the next diamond to drop another two boulders, then go round the last boulder of the clump, take the diamond above the time capsule, go right under two boulders and push the second one left two squares. Go down and right under another boulder, push it left and take the diamond to let the boulders fall. Take the time capsule and the first earth square to let the upper two fall again. Go down on the left, take the bottom two diamonds, and take the earth under the boulder in the bottom-left corner. Now take the diamond under the clump of boulders and walk left; they will fall next to the timebomb but not trapping it. Now clear the left half of the top room in the usual way. Go above the remaining cluster of boulders in the top-right corner and take the diamonds in the top tow rows; push the three loose boulders left out of harm's way to reach the three diamonds below. Go under the boulders to the rightmost diamond, letting the boulder fall safely on the earth section. Now go around to take the last diamond and step left to let the boulder fall (you can safely allow one more boulder to fall towards the timebomb). Take the time capsule and finish. Level 4-G Password: ALEGBRA Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: A level stiff with fungus, much of which has to be released in order to access certain parts of the level. Nevertheless, this is fairly easy when you know how; the hard part is working out a route. Walkthrough: Head right, up, right and up without disturbing the fungus or the spirits. When you reach the cage, run to release the spirits and run back. Open the cage and wait above it. When the spirits return, run up to the second cage and step aside. Before leaving this area, take all the diamonds around the fungus, but leave the bottom row above the safe. Take the diamonds around the square of fungus in the next room and take the transporter. Free the cages at the top and left of this room and release the spirits. Run right and down to get the key, and take all the diamonds around the fungus. Head left from this room (but not forgetting the diamond from the top cage). At the far left, take all the diamonds from the top room first, then come down. Release the spirit into the cage right by it, go down and collect all the diamonds, then take those around the fungus and take the transporter in this room. You are now in the bottom-right corner. Free the spirit and step up to let it pass under you; then run right and up to open the cage. Take the diamonds in this area, emerge and return to Repton's initial location. Free the cage on the left and come back to release the two spirits. When the second one comes back, go through the cage and open the last cage; wait left of and below it for the spirit. Let the first egg fall right and run up to push the second egg down onto the monster. Run up and right to get behind the rightmost egg and kill the second monster; go back round, break the third egg, and get behind the egg on the right again to kill this monster too. Finally, lower the boulder on the far left and roll it off the next diamond; then break the last egg and get behind this boulder to kill the last monster. Now collect everything and defuse the timebomb. Level 4-H Password: BETTING Difficulty: 12/10 Overview: Six of the eight cages are in mid-air and need to be connected by piling up boulders below them; this requires an awful lot of shovelling boulders, with spirits on the prowl most of the time, and some ingenuity in releasing enough boulders for the job. Walkthrough: Do not touch the diamonds and time capsule below your starting location. Run right, take the two diamonds, and step down and left to get out of the way of the spirit. Run left to open the cage and wait above the safe, dodging the second spirit. When it comes down, take the earth left of the boulder and go down through the cage. Free the second cage by taking a diamond to one side of it; do NOT take the diamond below it. Go down and push the boulder left off the earth, take the diamonds in the bottom row, push the egg down and kill the monster with the boulder. Leave all the earth sections and the diamond against the left wall. When the spirit has taken the second cage, take the diamond and step right to roll the twenty-nine boulders off the diamond that was below the cage. Go up, and push two boulders off a safe to add to the pile. Now go to the far left of the level, and take only the top one of the three earth sections against the left wall, dropping the boulder; then go up and roll the other two boulders off this one. Now when you push the boulder resting on the cage to its left, it should complete the pile and connect the cage. Take the top-left transporter. Take the earth left of the boulder and take the second transporter. Run straight up to let the egg fall, and let the monster pursue you around the top. Go under the boulder and push it over him. Go down until you can move left, and then do so without disturbing any of the remaining earth. Push the boulder left to get out. Enter the area above the transporter without taking the earth section left of the long wall. Go under the first boulder and push this left, down and left again. Repeat with the second and then the third (the one in the top-right corner). Now come out and return to the top-left of the level. Take the key and come down. Enter the area right of the lower transporter, wait for the spirit to be out of the way, and run right and up to let the boulder fall and connect the cage. When the spirit goes in, push this boulder down to connect the bottom-right corner cage. Take the three diamonds directly left of the key, but leave the earth square next to them; then run up and take the diamond between the two rows of skulls to shorten the spirits' journey. The rest is a matter of shovelling boulders while keeping track of the movements of the group of spirits so as not to collide with them. I shall give instructions ignoring the spirits' location, as this will vary according to your speed of moving around the level; you can always wait in a place until they go past if you need to be sure of where they are. There are two available time capsules, one near the lower transporter and one in the top room, if you need them. Take six more boulders from the top room and push them down below the transporter and right to start a pile connecting the remaining cage in the bottom-right area. These six are: (1) push the top boulder left to free the boulder just below it; (2) roll the top boulder down the diagonal chain of boulders; (3,4,5) push each of these in turn right, starting with the top one; (6) push the loose boulder left to get behind the boulder resting on the wall and push this right. You need two more boulders; the first is in the corridor right of the transporter. Push this down, but don't take the diamond three squares right of it. Roll the boulder next to the key off the diamond it rests on and off the corner diamond, and push it down to complete the pile connecting the cage. Finally, to deal with the two cages at the bottom, take the diamonds above them and the time capsule supporting four boulders; these will fall and connect one of the two cages. Then take the transporter, to the far right of the level. Take the first two diamonds and then the next diamond against the right wall, then step left and up to let the boulders fall and the spirit go past. Run up on the far right and push the boulder that was above the transporter down to connect the last cage! Then you just need to clear up the remaining diamonds. - OAP - Or Senior, as this set is called in the PC release. Each of the three Repton 3 sequels includes one set in which, just to make matters more confusing, the safes are invisible, and in The Life of Repton, this is the one. Presumably because Repton's eyesight is getting poor in his old age. The safes can still be seen on the level map, however. - Character correspondences - DIAMOND: war medal THE CROWN: pint of stout THE TIMEBOMB: Repton's rocking chair KEY: Repton's spectacles TIME CAPSULE: pipe EARTH: grass WALLS: trees, shop fronts, roofs, bus stops (left), poles (right) SKULL: tombstone BOULDER: grandfather clock EGG: seated Mrs Repton MONSTER: angry Mrs Repton SAFE: hidden medal CAGE: water glass SPIRIT: set of false teeth FUNGUS: cobwebs Level 5-A Password: OAP Difficulty: 2/10 Overview: The level does conceal a few pitfalls if you do things in the wrong order, but is for the most part straightforward. Walkthrough: Proceed left, letting the boulders in the upper row fall right so as not to get stuck at the end. Go up and then right until you reach the cages. Go up above the first cage, past the egg, and take the row of diamonds on the left, then take the next diamond up to let the boulders fall left and release the last diamond. Go left along the top of the level. Come down and let the first boulder fall left; drop the second straight down and take the column of diamonds. Push the third boulder away and go under the boulders to get the key. Come down, go under the egg and boulder and push it back to kill the monster. Go under the row of boulders and the egg on the right and do the same. Now go all the way up and right to the corner of the level and come down. Take the diamonds on the left to open the way to the cages and come down to release the spirits. Take the crown and diamonds at the bottom, then let the egg fall left and push the boulder on the wall right to fall down onto it. Walk left above the cages and go down between the skulls; go right and down to get two diamonds from safes near Repton's starting location. Now take the cluster of diamonds below the cages from the bottom up; then head left for the last few diamonds on the level. Level 5-B Password: UNAWARE Difficulty: 2/10 Overview: A confusing maze to blunder around, given the invisible safes, but once you find your way out of the central section the puzzles this level presents are all fairly easy. Walkthrough: Go round the first area until you reach the row of four boulders. Let the first fall left, walk under the others, and push the first left again to reach the diamonds. Proceed left and up; push the boulder overhanding the lower area right out of the way. Take all the diamonds and go down to the two stacked boulders; push the lower one to get out. Continue left and up; go left under another boulder and head down, letting the first boulder fall down onto the earth. Get down between the boulders by pushing the one balanced on a diamond to the right; take the time capsule and go right under the next boulder, then push it left to allow you to get the key. Go down for the diamond in the bottom row, then retrace your steps and go up into the top area. Push the egg off the cage and kill the monster with the boulder. Release the two spirits and collect all the diamonds. Follow the second spirit down to the cage and go right and down; collect the diamonds at the entrance to the lower-right room and then come back up and through the cage. Let the egg fall left and push the boulder over it; then go down to the bottom of the level. Go all the way right to the crown, then come back and up where the time capsule is. Take everything in the room on the left from the bottom up, then the room on the right, then go up to the top on the far right and head left for the last diamond and the timebomb. Level 5-C Password: SOAKING Difficulty: 3/10 Overview: The initial rocks-and-diamonds puzzle may be offputting, as it's hard to reach a key without trapping the safe at the bottom, but once you're through that, the rest could hardly be much easier. Walkthrough: Go straight right to the first boulder, and let it fall left. Let the next two boulders in the "staircase" fall left, then push the loose boulder right out of the way. Go down and left to the safe, step up, and push the boulder right to get out. Take the next diamond to your right and then head straight up to get the key, letting boulders fall where necessary. Return to the bottom-left corner, let the first boulder fall right and push it right, do the same with the second, and now you can get all the diamonds. Head now to the bottom-right corner. Push the loose boulder in the third row from the bottom to the left, take the diamond under it and then the one next to it. Head along the bottom to the row of boulders and let each fall left to get past. Break the egg and let the monster follow you round; run under a boulder and push or drop it to kill the monster. Heading up, clear some earth to the right of the second egg so as not to trap the diamonds beyond it, and kill it in the same manner with the boulder on the right; then go down for the diamonds and crown. Take the other diamonds in this area, taking care, when you drop the boulder guarding the diamond at top-right, not to block yourself, and return to the left area. Clear this from the bottom up and take the transporter. Head left along the top area. When you reach the two stacked boulders in the top and second rows, step down and push the boulder to the right to open the lower diamonds. Use the same method to avoid the next boulder in the top row trapping two diamonds. When you reach the diamond completely surrounded by boulders, lower the right boulder, let the top boulder fall right, and push the left boulder away from the bottom diamond. Then take the other diamonds and the transporter. Run up between the eggs, quickly clear the column of diamonds above where one of them was (say the one on the right), and go up on that side to roll a boulder down and kill both monsters. Now simply collect all the diamonds and defuse the timebomb. Level 5-D Password: EVOLVES Difficulty: 8/10 Overview: A good bit of foresight and care is needed to get the moves in the right order, and the main puzzle of the level is a maze of skulls through which you have to run very quickly to avoid spirits. Walkthrough: Head left, push the boulder out, and go back for the diamonds on the right. Continue all the way left, let the last boulder fall right, and push it right to get down. Head right and push the egg down; let the monster follow you down past the boulders (keeping of course to the left column so they do not fall). Run all the way down and right under the second egg; use the Repton shuffle to place the boulder above the egg and, when it breaks, use it to kill the first monster as well. Push the boulder off the bottom diamond to collect it, and continue right to clear space left of the last boulder so it can fall left off the safe (instead of right, trapping the timebomb). Emerge from this room, and push the egg on the wall above it a few squares left so as to prevent it being trapped by the boulder on a safe in the top-right corner. Head left, and push the boulder on the cage to the right. Now come back up past where the first egg was and release the spirit. Wait by the transporter, and when the spirit goes past again heading up, stand by the left wall to watch the group of spirits. When they head for the left part of their enclosure, run to the transporter so as to arrive at the left just after the spirits leave again. Take the key and run up through the skull maze, taking the left fork where it branches. Emerge at the top and step aside to let the spirits pass. Leave the bottommost square of earth to the left of the mass of boulders, but take the rest of the column above it, going upwards, to drop a number of boulders and reconnect the bottom cage. Now follow the spirits to the room on the far right. Push the egg left and get behind the boulder to kill the monster; then break the egg in amongst the fungus and use the same boulder to kill that monster. Complete the upper-right room from the bottom up, take the remaining diamonds around the fungus, and go to the timebomb in the bottom-right corner. Level 5-E Password: QUIBBLE Difficulty: 9/10 Overview: A large and tricky boulders-and-diamonds puzzle followed by some quick movements to get through a series of rooms patrolled by spirits... in one of which they move round a mass of invisible safes! Walkthrough: Go straight down, taking two diamonds, and then go all the way left and continue down until you get left of the transporter. Step left and continue down. Go down left of the two stacked boulders and step left to let them fall; then go round and push the loose boulder left. Also push the boulder on the right further right to continue down. Without letting the next two stacked boulders fall, push the next boulder right of them to its left. Take the diamond under it, then go down and right to reach the transporter. When the first spirit bounces off the top wall, take the top diamond and then the lower one. When it comes past you again, run across and take the top of the next line of diamonds, then the others (the spirit won't harm you, because of its pattern of movement) and step up to stand in a safe square. When the spirits have gone past again, take the next diamond and go down, and go left after the last spirit bounces off the bottom of its enclosure. Step up to let the next spirit enter the cage, and wait for the spirit you just released to get away before taking the last two diamonds (otherwise it might become dazed). You now have access to a safe square again. When you are ready, run down and right, then up to let the egg fall left and the boulder fall onto it. Take the diamonds to give the next spirit access to the cage. When the last spirit has gone past again, go down. Wait for a gap between the three spirits in the next room to go down past them, and head left to the safe. Again wait for a gap to go round it and clear the cage; then wait for another gap to run up to safety. When the spirit enters the cage, free the spirit from the corridor below and stand next to the safe to let it pass; go along and free the next cage, then come out and again go up past the three spirits to wait for the free spirit to go past again. Enter the lower room, go under the first boulder and push it right. Go under the lower cage and continue left to clear access to all three cages. Now return to the room with the three spirits. Get above them through a suitable gap, and push the egg right one square at a time by waiting for a gap each time. When the egg falls, run up and push a boulder down onto it. Take diamonds to free the other two boulders in this room and push them down to release the spirits. Take the other diamonds and follow the spirits down to get the diamonds from the cages and the key. Come back up, collecting everything, and take the transporter. (Don't forget the diamond at top-right!) Go back up through the room on the right collecting everything, and take the next transporter. Push the boulder left and get the diamond to let it fall left; then get the left diamond to release the spirit into its cage. Go down between the two boulders and step right; step right again and take the diamond below the unbalanced boulder, then the diamond on the right. Push the loose boulder all the way right and then take the top-right diamonds. Now come down on the left, taking the diamond below the boulder; take the diamonds above the transporter and step down into it. In the last room, push the egg to the far right, take the earth below it, and drop the boulder straight down onto it. Then finish. Level 5-F Password: NATIVES Difficulty: 6/10 Overview: A low time limit and some troublesome spirits and monsters, but this is a real stroll in between two much harder levels. Walkthrough: Wait for the spirit to pass and go up and right, without disturbing the earth next to the top skull. Push one boulder right, the other left, and go round to free the two cages on the right. Now head left over the eggs. Avoid the spirit and continue left; take the earth to the left of the wall the spirit moves around, and go up. Clear the earth left of the upper boulder, and push it left to free the two spirits; then push the boulder right to release the lower spirit and run up ahead of it to open the cage on the right. When the spirit enters the cage, go through and along the chain of safes until you reach the egg. Go anticlockwise around the egg, letting the first boulder fall left, and get behind the boulder to kill the monster. Come back out of this area and head up; collect everything in the top room from the bottom up, get the crown and come back. Go down on the left and back round to the two cages. But before going through the skull room, lower the boulder just on the left. Go through the lower cage and push the egg. Let the monster follow you back through the skulls; run left past the boulder you just lowered, under another boulder, then push this onto the monster. Now re-enter the lower room to take the diamond and time capsule. Come back out and head left; take the earth below the boulders right of the key then let them fall right. Push the top boulder left and come down to take the key. Go back right and up this time, and take everything in the upper room before coming back down. Now deal with the eggs; break either one first, kill the monster with the other one, then let the monster follow you left and up, run under the boulder and step aside to kill it. Take the remaining diamonds and enter the bottom-left room. Head left, and when you reach the first skull, let the boulder above it fall right off the diamond so you can get past. Clear the room from the bottom up and take the transporter. In the top room, take the diamond above you and then go left, so the boulders fall in a "Z" shape. Push the middle one right, take all the diamonds, and head left for the last few diamonds and the timebomb. Level 5-G Password: JUMPING Difficulty: 12/10 Overview: The most annoying level on the game, because I can't figure out a way to pass it with more than 50% success. The problem is that three monsters are chasing you around a very confined initial area, so there isn't space to get far ahead of them so you can get them all chasing you in a line (which was the secret of the otherwise similar level "Giant clam" on the first Repton game). Once past the initial area, it's mostly straightforward, though you do have to watch out for getting the right spirit in the right cage. Walkthrough: This is my best solution, though please write to me if you know a better way to do it! Step left, down, left and left, and wait for the monsters to hatch. Run all the way up, wait a bit, all the way right, way a bit, all the way down and grab the key. If you managed to do all that with the monsters still behind you, run left and over the last monster before it hatches; grab the earth square in the bottom-left corner and run up and out. Usually, from one to all four of the monsters will follow you. Run right above the circling spirits, down and into the room on the right. Immediately run up and right under a boulder, and push this left over the entrance to the room. Use it to kill any monsters that have chased you this far; if any remain in the lower room, leave them there. They will be "automatically" killed later in the level. In the right room, take the lowest available diamond, and let the two boulders roll left into the gap to get past. Take the diamond under the boulder nearest the bottom-right corner to open the cage. Come back out and use the boulder to release the spirits; while you wait for them, go over to the top-left corner and take the diamond there. In the lower room, go left along the top, then down, and right along the row of diamonds, letting the second boulder fall left. Go down and step back up to let the two stacked boulders fall right; go down past them and clear this room from the bottom up, opening the second cage. Take any diamonds that remain in the upper room while you wait for the spirits to return. Go through the cage, down and left to the next cage. Come back up left of the boulder, allowing it to fall, and push it left to block the cage. Stand out of the way and wait for the last spirit to enter the upper cage; then go through and release the next spirit. Wait a while, then release the other spirit and take the diamonds. Now drop the boulder away from the lower cage and wait just above it. When the first spirit returns, run through and open the cage on the left, then come back out (going around the boulder so as not to have to release the fungus) and wait for the other spirit. Take the diamonds in the room, letting the other boulder fall right so as not to block you. Go round the left of the cages, and take the earth right of the upper one. Go up on the right of the wall (do not take the earth square touching the top of the wall) and continue up. Wait for the three spirits to bounce off the diamond, then take the left diamond, then the right one, and push the boulder down to the left and down to the right to fall between the two cages. At a safe moment, go back up and repeat the procedure with another boulder so that both cages are connected. Now take all the diamonds. The monsters will have followed you round the wall of the central room, finishing on the left; so they will simply run up the left wall to the top boulder, where you can easily push it down to kill them. Then simply take all the diamonds in the central room and finish. Level 5-H Password: SHALLOW Difficulty: 9/10 Overview: A vast maze of skulls and diamonds, through which you have to run to reach the cages in the four corners with the spirits following close behind you! The start, where you have to get through a one-square gap between the spirits, is perhaps the hardest part. Walkthrough: As soon as the spirit leaves the square above you, step up and right to the key. Run right through the skull maze, going up then left and up at the junctions. When you reach the top of the level, run right to the first cage; go down past it and left to link with your earlier path, and follow this back to the centre. When the spirits have left the central area again, go down and right from the lowest empty space. Go down as soon as you can, dodge left round the skull and continue right all the way to the edge of the level. Go down to clear the second cage and retrace your steps as far as the corner where you started heading right. Here, instead of going back up to the central area, step down and take the first left. Go up and left and take the next turning up; then left again to the wall of the level. Follow this all the way up to the third cage, and wait in the cul-de-sac just below it for the spirits to reach you. Retrace your steps ahead of the last spirit as far as the wall protruding from the bottom edge of the level; here, go down and left to open the last cage. Come back and take the remaining diamonds in the upper-left area of the level while you wait for the spirit to find its cage; then go all around the level collecting everything. - - - Congratulations! You've completed every level of The Life of Repton! If you have any queries, corrections or additional information for this FAQ, feel free to e-mail me about it. Or if you just want to tell me that you liked (or disliked) the FAQ or that you disagreed with my opinions about the difficulty of some of the levels. Michael S. Repton 1 August 2006