
(You begin in a dimly lit street) E, E, GET DOUBLOON, S (the sailor tells you that his name is CUFFY), N, E, BUY RUM (with the doubloon), W, W, N, N, N, N (Long John drinks your rum and takes you on board his ship)

On the ship:
GET PARROT, E, U, U, GET PISTOL, D, S, D, GET BISCUIT, FEED PARROT (it gives you a hint on how to find the gold), U, N, N, W (you sail to the island)

On the island:
N, N, GET BUCKET, S, S, W, N, E, MILK GOAT (using the bucket), GET GOAT, S, E, N, N, E, DROP BUCKET (Benn Gunn opens a secret door in the cave), E, E, S, TURN IDOL (the south exit opens), S, GET FLINT, GET STEEL (describes as a 'piece of metal'), N, TURN IDOL, N, N (you meet Flint's ghost), CUFFY (it vanishes), N, W, RING BELL (this attracts the alligator), THROW GOAT (it is eaten), E, N (you may now pass safely), N, N, N, E, E, S, S, FIRE PISTOL (you kill Long John who falls into the coffin, allowing you to take the key), GET PEGLEG (there was a map inside it!), GET MAP, READ MAP, N, N, N, N, GET KEY, S, S, W, W, S, S, GET SPOT (i.e. 'small black circle'), EMPTY BOTTLE, FILL BOTTLE (with water), N, N, W, THROW SPOT (Flint's ghost vanishes once again), W, GET SPADE, E, GET TWIGS, E, DROP TWIGS, MAKE FIRE (with flint and steel - you spot a hole in the roof), EMPTY BOTTLE (you extinguish the fire), U, UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, W, D, N * 5, W (according to the map), DIG (you find the treasure), GET TREASURE (you are rescued by The Bounty – game over!)

1. Don't bring the rum into the alley with the sailor or he will drink your liquor!
2. A couple of items can only be referred to by other names than those that appear onscreen.

Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: http://hjem.get2net.dk/gunn/