
From the start you need to find the bag in which to store the treasure. Go right three screens, up two, left seven, up and right seven. Then up one, right one and up one to get the sack - now you can start collecting. Go down, left and down and all the way to the right for a ring, a crown and a coin. Return all the way left (collect penny), down, left and up, return and go all the way right. Back one screen, down one and left for three screens. Then down, left for eight screens and up, left and right and return to start.

So far so good - don't forget that if a screen looks hairy, just slip out for a second and return. Often it's then clear.

From the start go right two, up two, left two, down one and right, then retrace left and up. Go left five and up, right six and up two (right hand fork), down one, right and up. Then down one, left, down and up left hand fork two and up again for treasure chest. Down four, right one and up again. Right on top level one screen, up second path two screens, right, down one, right and then go up and down to clear another whole section.

Go left one screen, up two (left hand fork), left and up to top level. Go all the way left, then retrace three screens and go down two, right one and step up into the house. Go two right and up one, then back to entrance. Go left one, up one, down again, left another one and up three. Go four right, back three and down one. Retrace your path to the entrance and go back to top level.

Go all the way to the right - but drop down and left on the eighteenth screen for the ring. Back up and right again - the Guardian to the Golden Temple will only let you past if you have 61,000 points. Inside the Temple go right two, down five, right three and down three for the key. Retrace your steps to the start and go up into the Castle.

Up two, left one, up one, left two, up two, down and right five, up two, left one, up one, left one, up one, left one and down three. Right one and up, then retrace your steps all the way back to the Golden Temple.

From the entrance go right two, down two, right three, down two, left two and up the second Guardian. This time you must have 85,000 points. Finally, go one more screen to the right to complete the adventure.

This solution originally appeared in "A & B Computing", published by Argus Press.

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