Official Hintsheet

Examine well the dried-up pond.

Conversation, overheard within the White Horse Inn, will explain the policeman's reluctance to let you pass him.

In order to proceed to the stones you will need to divert his attention. The acquisition of an antique will be helpful in this matter.

To avoid being recognised you will need to change your appearance, twice.

The pixie is open to temptation.

At first appearance the black dog may be fetching but will it swallow your ruse a second time?

An entrance to, and exit from, the fairy world exists when the full moon shines.

There is a break in the clouds for only a short while.

A message, in old words, should be exactly followed in order to transform the single stone.

Once the princess is reverted to stone the game is beyond solution.

To reverse the wizard's spell you should copy his actions.

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