For the BBC Microcomputer

Some general advice

Quondam is a very difficult game, so here are some suggestions to help you. Never assume a problem is solved! Try varying what you did to see if that had an effect. In particular, always try repeating a command several times if you had an interesting response to see if anything new occurs. For example, if something can be opened, try opening it two or three times. Even 'save' is worth repeating to see what happens - though it may be fatal! Because of the complex nature of the game, specific problems are first answered below, followed by a discussion of the banking system. Please read only the pieces relevant to you at the time so as not to give away too much.

Hints and answers

These hints and answers are arranged in a jumbled order to make it harder to see the solution to other questions accidentally. If you do not want to risk spoiling the rest of the adventure, ask a friend to look up the hint or answer to your question for you.

Problems arising and hints/answers

I can't get very far from the end of the road without getting stuck
Hint 20

I get lost in the forest
Hint 109, Answer 10

I can't get past the knight
Hint 128, Answer 60

I can't get past the knight (again)
Hint 55, Answer 4

I'm having trouble saving the game
Hint 32, Further Hint 80, Answer 72

I'm puzzled about the spider's web
Hint 24

I die when I leave the centre of the web
Hint 111, Answer 8

I get burned when I leave the cave
Hint 14, Answer 28

I die if I 'look' when carrying the mirror
Hint 28, Answer 19

I can't get out of the junk room
Hint 26, Answer 61

The lock can't be unlocked with the key
Hint 65, Answer 61

I can't see what's in the rucksack
Hint 130, Answer 130

It's dark beyond the junk room and I can't see
Hint 31, Answer 9

I tried opening the flask and it broke
Hint 124, Answer 53

I lose the cards when I play or deal them
Hint 126, Answer 63

I play or deal the cards in the right place, but still lose them
Hint 6, Answer 63

I have done the cards right, but they still disappear
Hint 35, Answer 35

I lose some score when I say MAUX
Hint 64, Answer 64

There was a sandwich in the junk room when I went back in
Hint 112, Answer 36

The rucksack leaks, even when I close it
Hint 36, Answer 36

The sword won't come out of the stone
Hint 42, Answer 45

The sword broke when I took it - now there are two bits
Hint 62, Answer 33

How do I mend the sword?
Hint 38, Answer 2

I die when I eat the sandwich
Hint 40, Answer 58

I did the right thing with the sandwich - I think
Hint 46, Answer 46

I get killed by the vegetable being
Hint 39, Second Hint 67, Answer 47

I've killed the vegetable being, but can't escape from underground
Hint 34, Answer 47

I jumped through the vegetable being hole, but I died from the ent
Hint 121, Answer 48

I can't plant the sapling
Hint 13, Answer 27

Nothing happens when I plant the sapling
Hint 21, Answer 25

I got past the knight, but can't get past the dragon
Hint 30, Answer 30

I can't get the bird
Hint 23, Answer 120

I can't get to the island
Hint 16, Answer 68

The harp only jangles
Hint 59, Answer 59

I can't see the use of the craftsmen on the island
Hint 43, Answer 2

I'm trapped on the island!
Hint 114, Answer 97

I got off the island but died of old age
Hint 49, Answer 56

All the objects I left lying around have vanished while I aged
Hint 12, Further Hint 69, Answer see banking system notes

I can't carry enough items past the knight
Hint 54, Answer see banking system notes

I get killed by the big spiders on the web after ageing
Hint 132, Answer 52

I can't find the main bank
Hint 57, Answer 57

I can't get the apple past the goddesses
Hint 3, Answer 7

I die when passing the dragon after ageing
Hint 18, Answer 18

What does the apothecary want?
Hint 74, Answer 77

I die when I pass the customs official
Hint 73, Answer 76

I can't get out of the square
Hint 71, Further Hint 79, Answer 75

I die in the desert/There's nothing in the desert
Hint 78, Further Hint 105, Answer 82

I die when I drink the water in the pool
Hint 93

I don't see the point of the pool
Hint 11

I can't go in three of the directions from Smallhenge
Hint 70, Answer 84

I don't know what to do with the dwarf
Hint 85, Answer 86

What's the use of the water in Smallhenge?
Hint 87

I've finished in Smallhenge but can't get out again!
Hint 88, Answer 89

I don't see the point of the hermitage
Hint 90, Answer 91

I can't get out of the hermitage
Hint 92, Answer 83

The lamp kills me when I turn it on
Hint 94

I can't find any use for the room with the sign
Hint 95, Answer 96

What's the password?
Hint 50

The ogre kills me
Hint 104, Answer 99

I die if I eat the ox
Hint 117

I can't get down from the kitchen
Hint 101, Answer 102

I don't know what to do with the cauldron/How do I put things in it?
Hint 103, Answer 98

I lose anything I boil in the cauldron
Hint 81, Answer 106

The demon gets me if I break the pentagram
Hint 107

How do I kill the demon?
Hint 108, Answer 29

The demon still gets me if I go north after killing him
Hint 110, Answer 5

The troll catches me eventually
Hint 37, Answer 113

I can't get the key into the horse
Hint 51, Answer 115

When I wind the horse it either kills me or flies away
Hint 116, Answer 100

I have a large horse, but what use is it?
Hint 118

I die when I enter the bat cave
Hint 119, Answer 41

I can't do anything with the crystal
Hint 66, Answer 122

If I play the flute while holding the rope, I die
Hint 117

If I climb the rope, I die
Hint 123, Answer 22

The serpent gets me in Death Row
Hint 125, Answer 1

If I turn the chair on, I can't sit in it
Answer 127

What's my bank account number?
Hint 17, Answer 129

I gave the right number, but I died of an empty account
Hint 15

I gave the right number, but I died in a heap of rubbish
Hint 131, Answer 44

Hints and answers

1. Fill the sack to the brim and throw it at him.

2. Have both bits of sword with you when you visit the island.

3. Give them something else they prefer, the vain lot.

4. The first time, give the knight the morningstar (rod). The second time, throw water at him.

5. Break pentagram first.

6. Because you're cheating; I wouldn't play cards with a pack still in order!

7. Give them the mirror instead.

8. You must leave the centre by a precise route, never stopping. Go west from the centre, and then clockwise around the inner reach till you get to 'Southwest'. Now move outwards (Southwest again) and proceed around the middle reach clockwise till you reach 'Southeast'. Again move outwards (Southeast this time) and again go clockwise around the outer reach till you get to 'east'. Now go east to the clearing. Don't return in this time zone. You will have visited all the regions in this route, so pick up everything beforehand.

9. Take the glowing rock with you.

10. Northeast from the end of the road finds a bird. Ways OUT of the forest, other than using the bird, are random, and tend to leave you in the forest!

11. Try digging…

12. Well, it was a long time. You should have left them somewhere time wouldn't harm them - or dumped them in a safe place.

13. It would take a gardener a bit more than just 'plant' to plant it!

14. You shouldn't have stopped to admire yourself!

15. The moral is, have something of value in your account.

16. A bit of magic is called for here. Audible magic at that.

17. Did you find a use for the cards yet?

18. Music hath charms…

19. Turn the mirror to make it harmless.

20. Try exploring westwards, and think about the knight.

21. Then you aren't planting it in the best place.

22. The ledge outside the bat cave looks a good place.

23. That's correct. Of course, it might be a better guide alive.

24. It's arranged just like any spider's web: it's six-sided, with points west, Northwest, Northeast, east, Southeast and Southwest with six strands heading into the centre. Each strand has three 'places' on it: outer, middle, and toward the centre. Finally, there's the centre itself.

25. How about trying the plantation of strange trees?

26. How could you get rid of a sealed lock?

27. Dig first.

28. The mirror is clearly dangerous when it's face-up; can you alter this somehow?

29. Throw the water in the flask at him.

30. You can't, in this time zone.

31. What you need is a light source. Have you seen any recently?

32. That's the Mafia's fault. You can save safely in the web clearing.

33. Don't worry- but you'll need to get the bits mended later, as the sword will come in useful.

34. Then you didn't kill it when it was large enough, did you?

35. That's correct. Just jot down the message and use it later.

36. Yes, it does. Don't worry about it for now.

37. Now let me see . . . what is it trolls fear?

38. You should look for someone who can repair it.

39. It would be wise not to hang around it for too long; or if you do, to make sure it misses your legs!

40. What of the 'crunchy exterior'?

41. Boil the bones (from the web centre) in the cauldron first.

42. No, it won't. You need to be stronger to take the sword.

43. There must be something they could repair for you!

44. Don't leave any non-treasure in your account.

45. You need sustenance. Eat the sandwich that was in the rucksack first.

46. If a command is worth saying once, try it again!

47. You can stay with the vegetable being for two turns, jumping, but must then leave. That way it will create a hole large enough to leave by.

48. Have the sapling with you when you leap.

49. Is there anything that would make you younger?

50. It told you to say the password. Try just that: 'the password'.

51. You're trying the wrong action. It's a square hole. Think mechanical.

52. Each spider keeps to its own 'reach', never moving inwards or outwards, and sometimes wanders one area clockwise or anticlockwise. You die if he lands on you or vice versa, so keep well clear and bide your time.

53. Later you'll find a corkscrew; use that.

54. What you need is a 'safe place' to put things and get them back when you need them…

55. You either didn't get past him 'correctly' the first time - in which case you should use your method this time, not last - or you should think of an entirely different idea. How about slowing the knight down so you could slip past?

56. Drink the elixir - immediately.

57. Plant the sapling in the plantation, let it grow, and climb it.

58. Try opening it first to take the wrapper off!

59. Of course it would - it hasn't been tuned in ages!

60. Give the knight something he'd be interested in - ideally not treasure, as you'd rather keep that!

61. Try breaking the lock!

62. Well it was a reject…

63. Play them in the room with the card table, and only after cutting or shuffling twice at least.

64. Yes, you do. Better not to say it, although it will allow you to explore other areas of the game.

65. Your key would hardly fit a sealed lock, would it?

66. You need something to get through the crystal.

67. You can be safe by leaving, of course - but surely that's too easy for this game! See what happens if you jump up and down, but be careful.

68. Try playing the harp on the beach.

69. Either leave them in the cave or in a bank somewhere.

70. But the fourth direction, where you came in, is incomplete…

71. If the Inquisition only thought you were holy…

72. To get the glasses and stay alive, do it by the pole - and get the glasses while you have the chance! It'll take you some time to reach that, so concentrate on finding out safe places to save before that. Beyond the pole is safe anyway.

73. You're obviously not declaring things you're carrying that are valuable!

74. Some useful herbs or plants, perhaps?

75. If praying works once, try it again!

76. Don't take any valuables through at all (you'll lose points) except the sword if you need it.

77. Give him the mushrooms - they're no use to you!

78. There's only one safe exit apart from the way you came. You can take water but (at least on the first visit) it won't help you in the long run.

79. Try praying.

80. You can use the Mafia to your advantage, as you'll need the dark glasses. If only you could stay alive . . . now where would be a good place for that? (There are several safe places to save in, though.)

81. What would be a suitable object for boiling?

82. No time to take the other object - come back for it later.

83. Carry the cross with you.

84. Go up from Srnallhenge and drop the slab on top. Then see what happens.

85. He's in pain, poor chap. Could you help him?

86. Give him the capsule.

87. For drinking!

88. Reverse the way you got in…

89. Go up the pillar and remove the slab again!

90. Think about puns.

91. It's part of the banking system - see below.

92. You obviously aren't holy enough.

93. Of course you do - it's stagnant! Look for some better water!

94. Save it for someone else, and cover your eyes.

95. You're nearer than you think to the kitchen.

96. You should have opened the sandwich twice, to find some information.

97. Wave the ticket.

98. Boil is the verb.

99. Wave sword should do the trick.

100. Do it where the stone troll is.

101. What should you do with a ring in a flagstone if pulling it doesn't work?

102. Turn the ring.

103. The water is very hot - can you think of a verb for what you want to do?

104. Better get him before he gets you. Have you a weapon?

105. Before leaving, try digging again.

106. Try the bones.

107. Yes, he does. You'd better remove him first.

108. Have you found a use for one of the objects in the junk room yet?

109. One way into the forest produces something different; think about that for a while.

110. Correct. Surely the solution is obvious - remove the pentagram.

111. The spiders were lying in wait - better go off in the right direction!

112. Now where could that have come from? I wonder if it could have been contained in something and fallen out?

113. 'On' the lamp (wearing glasses).

114. Clearly some magical transport is needed for your return.

115. Try winding the horse.

116. Sooner or later something will be around to catch the horse's attention.

117. So don't!

118. What would one normally do with a real horse?

119. You need assistance. Did you find a use for the cauldron yet?

120. Follow the bird instead. Try this several times.

121. Ents are renowned tree-lovers…

122. Cut the crystal with the diamond - what else?

123. Try doing it elsewhere.

124. Yes, it's very delicate. I'd look for a suitable instrument first.

125. Have you found a use for the sack yet?

126. You should never play on the floor - you'd get them dirty!

127. How true. Try sitting in it first, then saying 'on'.

128. Have you considered a bribe?

129. If you cut and shuffled the pack, and dealt or played cards on the table, you should have seen four cards. Their values make up a number, don't they? Certainly it's the only number in the game.

130. Try emptying it!

131. Look at what was in the rubbish - all those valueless objects. You get interest on everything…

132. Stop and watch them for a while - see how they move. Can you keep away from them?

The banking system

The 'safe place' referred to in the instructions is a system of banks, which pervades the entire game. Since you can carry only eight items, you'll need to deposit and withdraw items when you need them - treasure gets most points when deposited. The main bank is up the tree (the 'branch office'), but there are branches by the knight ('deep banks'), at the pool (dig to find out about 'mud deposits'), the hermitage (but 'withdrawals only') and the bat area ('blood bank'), with apologies about the puns! It is just possible to manipulate all the objects via the banking system so that you can have what you need when you need it.

Scanned in by Yateen Patel for