'Doctor Who and the Warlord' text adventure hints?

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PJ Firestorm

'Doctor Who and the Warlord' text adventure hints?

Post by PJ Firestorm »

Hi board,
Have'nt posted on this board for a year or so, and can't even remember which identity I used, so that whole first sentence was a bit pointless really! =)

Anyway, last night I started playing 'Doctor Who and the Warlord' on BeebEm. Over the years I've played most of the "big" classic Beeb adventures and finished most of 'em, but I'd never even knew this title existed, probably reflected in the fact there's very little coverage or documentation of it on any Beeb-related web-sites?
Has anyone played it? Got any hints? I can get a few things done, but can't really seem to get started. Anyone with any tips much appreciated.

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