Elite A - compatibility?

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Elite A - compatibility?

Post by ElQuirky »

Has anyone had any success playing Elite A? Most emulators that I've tried produce errors when accessing the disc, I just wondered if I might be missing something. I've tried various DFS roms without success.<br>
I'm talking about Angus Duggan's enhancement version of Elite, just so there's no confusion.

Lance MDR Rocket


Post by Lance MDR Rocket »

I've been using Model B DX 8, with a Watford disc drive ROM, but everything else set as default (ie. Model B OS 1.2, 32K RAM, etc.), to play Elite A and everything is working perfectly.<br>
I'm using the disc image from this site.


Re: reply

Post by ElQuirky »

Great! thanks! I tried Model-b, but was using the Acorn 1770 disc rom. I see on the Model-B site that this was a known problem. Silly me for not rtfm.<br>
Edit: And it works on Beebem too, using the watford rom and 1770 drive.

<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p198.ezboard.com/bthestairwaytoh ... lQuirky</A> at: 4/10/04 6:23 pm<br></i>

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