Electron Elite differences

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Electron Elite differences

Post by Fraser »

I have one box that says on the back, "Electron Elite features superb high resolution black and white graphics." Another boxes has omitted the sentence. Is the one with the sentence the original box? Another difference is that later boxes had a leaflet on disabling the plus 1. Is there 2 Acornsoft Electron Elites where the hyperspace bug is fixed in the later one? None of this has anything to do with the Superior version.


Re: Electron Elite differences

Post by Gareth3377 »

Dunno if this will help, but here goes...<br>
The main bug in the Electron version of Elite (Acornsoft release) was that the Galactic Hyperspace did not work, so effectively you were stuck in galaxy 1 for the entire game. This was, I believe, fixed with the Superior re-release (it could have been done earlier though). Electron Elite was the most cut down version of the game with limited ship sets, no suns, no alien items to be scooped, no thargoids and no missions (despite this I never saw this as a negative, preferring to see the BBC disc version as a director's cut if you will). <br>

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Electron Elite

Post by Fraser »

Electron User had a letter about how to activate hyperspace by repeating the keys Func, Ctrl and H (or is it G?) quickly. I've had it work. One galaxy is no different to another anyway.

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Re:Electron Elite

Post by melchett »

I'd agree actually - the only real incentive to move galaxies, other than idle curiosity, was to complete the various missions in BBC Elite. If the missions were not available in Electron Elite, then it can't have been a big problem or detracted from the game play in too big a way.<br>
I actually find it surprising though that this wasn't implemented considering the descriptions I've read on the internet on how the galaxies where generated. In the original Elite there was an absolutely ridiculous number of galaxies (all generated algorithmically) that Acorn made them limit to just eight - so if you can generate one, it's not many more bytes to generate the rest. Guess, as you say, it must have been a bug.<br>
Was there a commander file editor for the Electron that allowed you to easily see these other galaxies?

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Post by Fraser »

Electron commander files have the same format as BBC ones but use less fields. I have Acorn Users editor which is probably not available on the net. It had a good article on the format with the editor.


Re: Elite

Post by Gareth3377 »

Although I agree now that there is no differences between the galaxies (due to no missions and the programming factor etc) that the bug wouldn't have made much difference. However, as an 8 year old child it made a huge difference - not to be able to access the 7 other galaxies felt that you were missing out on something - even if it was just a planet's name. <br>
Anyway - I still think the Electron sound effects were ace and I still have fond memories of flying away from a planet in the hope that I might come across a sun (got the planet down to the size of a star, but no luck lol) - even so, was still impressed that there was ships still flying about and fighting and so on.<br>
On another note (I might be confusing this with Spectrum Elite though, so forgive me) but did anyone come across a ship (a sidewinder I think) that was just rotating and spinning as if out control and then suddenly attack - as if it was pretending to be a "dead" ship. This has happened a few times in Elite, but I'm not sure whether or not it was the Spectrum version (I could, of course, have been letting my imagination get the better of me - Elite does that apparently lol).<br>


Re: Elite

Post by dandelionburdock »

The "dead" ship thing was really common in the BBC version. I always took it as an opportunity to get an easy kill, so I never waited long enough to see if they were just play acting to get a shady shot in themselves.

Moist Mog

Other Elite stuff...

Post by Moist Mog »

So, anyone see any of the following...on any version?<br>
Generation ships (referred to in the manual... were meant to be miles long)<br>
Ships' graveyards (also referred to in the manual... I think... meant to be found by flying a long way away from the planet)<br>
The 'repent repent repent' message on-screen (I'm sure this actually happens in some versions)<br>
Missionary ships (pretty sure these did exist in some versions... unarmed ships that got shot up by pirates all the time)<br>
...or anything else unusual?<br>


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